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Microlensing evidence for super-Eddington disk accretion in quasars

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 نشر من قبل Pavel Abolmasov
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Gravitational microlensing by the stellar population of lensing galaxies provides an important opportunity to spatially resolve the accretion disk structure in strongly lensed quasars. Some of the objects (like Einsteins cross) are reasonably consistent with the predictions of the standard accretion disk model. In other cases, the size of the emitting region is larger than predicted by the standard thin disk theory and practically independent on wavelength. This may be interpreted as an observational manifestation of an optically-thick scattering envelope possibly related to super-Eddington accretion with outflows.

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اقرأ أيضاً

The radiative efficiency of super-Eddington accreting black holes (BHs) is explored for magnetically-arrested disks (MADs), where magnetic flux builds-up to saturation near the BH. Our three-dimensional general relativistic radiation magnetohydrodyna mic (GRRMHD) simulation of a spinning BH (spin $a/M=0.8$) accreting at $sim 50$ times Eddington shows a total efficiency $sim 50%$ when time-averaged and total efficiency $gtrsim 100%$ in moments. Magnetic compression by the magnetic flux near the rotating BH leads to a thin disk, whose radiation escapes via advection by a magnetized wind and via transport through a low-density channel created by a Blandford-Znajek (BZ) jet. The BZ efficiency is sub-optimal due to inertial loading of field lines by optically thick radiation, leading to BZ efficiency $sim 40%$ on the horizon and BZ efficiency $sim 5%$ by $rsim 400r_g$ (gravitational radii) via absorption by the wind. Importantly, radiation escapes at $rsim 400r_g$ with efficiency $etaapprox 15%$ (luminosity $Lsim 50L_{rm Edd}$), similar to $etaapprox 12%$ for a Novikov-Thorne thin disk and beyond $etalesssim 1%$ seen in prior GRRMHD simulations or slim disk theory. Our simulations show how BH spin, magnetic field, and jet mass-loading affect the radiative and jet efficiencies of super-Eddington accretion.
X-ray reverberation is a powerful technique which maps out the structure of the inner regions of accretion disks around black holes using the echoes of the coronal emission reflected by the disk. While the theory of X-ray reverberation has been devel oped almost exclusively for standard thin disks, recently reverberation lags have been observed from likely super-Eddington accretion sources such as the jetted tidal disruption event Swift J1644+57. In this paper, we extend X-ray reverberation studies into the super-Eddington accretion regime, focusing on investigating the lags in the Fe K{alpha} line region. We find that the coronal photons are mostly reflected by the fast and optically thick winds launched from super-Eddington accretion flow, and this funnel-like reflection geometry produces lag-frequency and lag-energy spectra with unique characteristics. The lag-frequency spectra exhibits a step-function like decline near the first zero-crossing point. As a result, the shape of the lag-energy spectra remains almost independent of the choice of frequency bands and linearly scales with the black hole mass for a large range of parameter spaces. Not only can these morphological differences be used to distinguish super-Eddington accretion systems from sub-Eddington systems, they are also key for constraining the reflection geometry and extracting parameters from the observed lags. When explaining the X-ray reverberation lags of Swift J1644+57, we find that the super-Eddington disk geometry is preferred over the thin disk, for which we obtain a black hole mass of 5-6 million solar masses and a coronal height around 10 gravitational radii by fitting the lag spectra to our modeling.
149 - Maxim Lyutikov 2014
We discuss properties of the ultra-luminous $X$-ray source in the galaxy M82, NuSTAR J095551+6940.8, containing an accreting neutron star. The neutron star has surface magnetic field $ B_{NS} approx 1.4 times 10^{13 } , {rm G}$ and experiences accret ion rate of $9 times 10^{-7} M_odot {rm , yr}^{-1} $. The magnetospheric radius, close to the corotation radius, is $sim 2 times 10^8$ cm. The accretion torque on the neutron star is reduce well below what is expected in a simple magnetospheric accretion due to effective penetration of the stellar magnetic field into the disk beyond the corotation radius. As a result, the radiative force of the surface emission does not lead to strong coronal wind, but pushes plasma along magnetic field lines towards the equatorial disk. The neutron star is nearly an orthogonal rotator, with the angle between the rotation axis and the magnetic moment $geq 80$ degrees. Accretion occurs through optically thick -- geometrically thin and flat accretion curtain, which cuts across the polar cap. High radiation pressure from the neutron star surface is nevertheless smaller than that the ram pressure of the accreting material flowing through the curtain, and thus fails to stop the accretion. At distances below few stellar radii the magnetic suppression of the scattering cross-section becomes important. The $X$-ray luminosity (pulsed and persistent components) comes both from the neutron star surface as a hard $X$-ray component and as a soft component from reprocessing by the accretion disk.
We use global three dimensional radiation magneto-hydrodynamical simulations to study accretion disks onto a $5times 10^8M_{odot}$ black hole with accretion rates varying from $sim 250L_{Edd}/c^2$ to $1500 L_{Edd}/c^2$. We form the disks with torus c entered at $50-80$ gravitational radii with self-consistent turbulence initially generated by the magneto-rotational instability. We study cases with and without net vertical magnetic flux. The inner regions of all disks have radiation pressure $sim 10^4-10^6$ times the gas pressure. Non-axisymmetric density waves that steepen into spiral shocks form as gas flows towards the black hole. In simulations without net vertical magnetic flux, Reynolds stress generated by the spiral shocks are the dominant mechanism to transfer angular momentum. Maxwell stress from MRI turbulence can be larger than the Reynolds stress only when net vertical magnetic flux is sufficiently large. Outflows are formed with speed $sim 0.1-0.4c$. When the accretion rate is smaller than $sim 500 L_{Edd}/c^2$, outflows start around $10$ gravitational radii and the radiative efficiency is $sim 5%-7%$ with both magnetic field configurations. With accretion rate reaching $1500 L_{Edd}/c^2$, most of the funnel region close to the rotation axis becomes optically thick and the outflow only develops beyond $50$ gravitational radii. The radiative efficiency is reduced to $1%$. We always find the kinetic energy luminosity associated with the outflow is only $sim 15%-30%$ of the radiative luminosity. The mass flux lost in the outflow is $sim 15%-50%$ of the net mass accretion rates. We discuss implications of our simulation results on the observational properties of these disks.
116 - Taira Oogi 2017
Super-Eddington mass accretion has been suggested as an efficient mechanism to grow supermassive black holes (SMBHs). We investigate the imprint left by the radiative efficiency of the super-Eddington accretion process on the clustering of quasars us ing a new semi-analytic model of galaxy and quasar formation based on large-volume cosmological $N$-body simulations. Our model includes a simple model for the radiative efficiency of a quasar, which imitates the effect of photon trapping for a high mass accretion rate. We find that the model of radiative efficiency affects the relation between the quasar luminosity and the quasar host halo mass. The quasar host halo mass has only weak dependence on quasar luminosity when there is no upper limit for quasar luminosity. On the other hand, it has significant dependence on quasar luminosity when the quasar luminosity is limited by its Eddington luminosity. In the latter case, the quasar bias also depends on the quasar luminosity, and the quasar bias of bright quasars is in agreement with observations. Our results suggest that the quasar clustering studies can provide a constraint on the accretion disc model.
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