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This paper considers fixed effects estimation and inference in linear and nonlinear panel data models with random coefficients and endogenous regressors. The quantities of interest -- means, variances, and other moments of the random coefficients -- are estimated by cross sectional sample moments of GMM estimators applied separately to the time series of each individual. To deal with the incidental parameter problem introduced by the noise of the within-individual estimators in short panels, we develop bias corrections. These corrections are based on higher-order asymptotic expansions of the GMM estimators and produce improved point and interval estimates in moderately long panels. Under asymptotic sequences where the cross sectional and time series dimensions of the panel pass to infinity at the same rate, the uncorrected estimator has an asymptotic bias of the same order as the asymptotic variance. The bias corrections remove the bias without increasing variance. An empirical example on cigarette demand based on Becker, Grossman and Murphy (1994) shows significant heterogeneity in the price effect across U.S. states.
Nonseparable panel models are important in a variety of economic settings, including discrete choice. This paper gives identification and estimation results for nonseparable models under time homogeneity conditions that are like time is randomly assi
Factor structures or interactive effects are convenient devices to incorporate latent variables in panel data models. We consider fixed effect estimation of nonlinear panel single-index models with factor structures in the unobservables, which includ
In this study, we develop a novel estimation method of the quantile treatment effects (QTE) under the rank invariance and rank stationarity assumptions. Ishihara (2020) explores identification of the nonseparable panel data model under these assumpti
Quantile regression is an increasingly important empirical tool in economics and other sciences for analyzing the impact of a set of regressors on the conditional distribution of an outcome. Extremal quantile regression, or quantile regression applie
We derive fixed effects estimators of parameters and average partial effects in (possibly dynamic) nonlinear panel data models with individual and time effects. They cover logit, probit, ordered probit, Poisson and Tobit models that are important for