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Remarks on the Curci-Ferrari model

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 نشر من قبل Petr M. Lavrov
 تاريخ النشر 2012
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والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Peter M. Lavrov

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Dependence of Greens functions for the Curci-Ferrari model on the parameter resembling the gauge parameter in massless Yang-Mills theories is investigated. It is shown that the generating functional of vertex functions (effective action) depends on this parameter on-shell.

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In this work, we study the propagators of matter fields within the framework of the Refined Gribov-Zwanziger theory, which takes into account the effects of the Gribov copies in the gauge-fixing quantization procedure of Yang-Mills theory. In full an alogy with the pure gluon sector of the Refined Gribov-Zwanziger action, a non-local long-range term in the inverse of the Faddeev-Popov operator is added in the matter sector. Making use of the recent BRST invariant formulation of the Gribov-Zwanziger framework achieved in [Capri et al 2016], the propagators of scalar and quark fields in the adjoint and fundamental representations of the gauge group are worked out explicitly in the linear covariant, Curci-Ferrari and maximal Abelian gauges. Whenever lattice data are available, our results exhibit good qualitative agreement.
We consider the unitary Abelian Higgs model and investigate its spectral functions at one-loop order. This analysis allows to disentangle what is physical and what is not at the level of the elementary particle propagators, in conjunction with the Ni elsen identities. We highlight the role of the tadpole graphs and the gauge choices to get sensible results. We also introduce an Abelian Curci-Ferrari action coupled to a scalar field to model a massive photon which, like the non-Abelian Curci-Ferarri model, is left invariant by a modified non-nilpotent BRST symmetry. We clearly illustrate its non-unitary nature directly from the spectral function viewpoint. This provides a functional analogue of the Ojima observation in the canonical formalism: there are ghost states with nonzero norm in the BRST-invariant states of the Curci-Ferrari model.
The special properties of scalars having a mass such that the two possible dimensions of the dual scalar respect the unitarity and the Breitenlohner-Freedman bounds and their ratio is integral (``resonant scalars) are studied in the AdS/CFT correspon dence. The role of logarithmic branches in the gravity theory is related to the existence of a trace anomaly and to a marginal deformation in the Conformal Field Theory. The existence of asymptotic charges for the conformal group in the gravity theory is interpreted in terms of the properties of the corresponding CFT.
We show how to refine conformal block expansion convergence estimates from hep-th/1208.6449. In doing so we find a novel explicit formula for the 3d conformal blocks on the real axis.
72 - J. Syska 2002
Non-homogeneous gauge ground state solutions in a six-dimensional gauge model in the presence of non-zero extended fermionic charge density fluctuations are reviewed and fully reinterpreted.
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