It is suggested that proton elastic scattering on atomic electrons allows a precise measurement of the proton charge radius. Very small values of transferred momenta (up to four order of magnitude smaller than the ones presently available) can be reached with high probability.
The precise determination of the proton radius from recent elastic scattering electron-proton data is discussed. The necessary precision on the elastic cross section to discriminate among the values coming from atomic spectroscopy is scrutinized in t
erms of the relevant quantity, i.e., the derivative of the form factor. It is shown that such precision is two orders of magnitude higher than the precision on the cross section, that is the measured observable. Different fits on the available data and of their discrete derivative, with analytical constraints are shown. The systematic error associated to the radius is evaluated taking into account the uncertainties from different sources, as the extrapolation to the static point, the choice of the class of fitting functions and the range of the data sample. This error is shown to be even orders of magnitude larger than commonly assumed.
Extracting the proton charge radius from electron scattering data requires determining the slope of the charge form factor at $Q^2$ of zero. But as experimental data never reach that limit, numerous methods for making the extraction have been propose
d, though often the functions are determined after seeing the data which can lead to confirmation bias. To find functional forms that will allow for a robust extraction of the input radius for a wide variety of functional forms in order to have confidence in the extraction from upcoming low $Q^2$ experimental data such as the Jefferson Lab PRad experiment, we create a general framework for inputting form-factor functions as well as various fitting functions. The input form factors are used to generate pseudo-data with fluctuations intended to mimic the binning and random uncertainty of a given set of real data. All combinations of input functions and fit functions can then be tested repeatedly against regenerated pseudo-data. Since the input radius is known, this allows us to find fit functions that are robust for radius extractions in an objective fashion. For the range and uncertainty of the PRad data, we find that a two-parameter rational function, a two-parameter continued fraction and the second order polynomial expansion of $z$ can extract the input radius regardless of the input charge form factor function that is used. We have created an easily expandable framework to search for functional forms that allow for a robust extraction of the radius from a given binning and uncertainty of pseudo-data generated from a wide variety of trial functions. This method has enabled a successful search for the best functional forms to extract the radius from the upcoming PRad data and can be used for other experiments.
Two-photon exchange contributions to elastic electron-proton scattering cross sections are evaluated in a simple hadronic model including the finite size of the proton. The corrections are found to be small in magnitude, but with a strong angular dep
endence at fixed $Q^2$. This is significant for the Rosenbluth technique for determining the ratio of the electric and magnetic form factors of the proton at high $Q^2$, and partly reconciles the apparent discrepancy with the results of the polarization transfer technique.
The parity nonconserving longitudinal analyzing power A_L is calculated in elastic pp scattering at the energies below the approximate inelastic region T_lab = 350 MeV. The short-ranged heavy meson rho and omega exchanges as well as the longer-ranged
two pion exchanges are considered as the mediators of the parity nonconserving interactions. The DDH best coupling values are used as the parity nonconserving meson-NN couplings. Also three different parity nonconserving two-pion exchange potentials by various authors are compared.
[Background] The proton charge radius extracted from recent muonic hydrogen Lamb shift measurements is significantly smaller than that extracted from atomic hydrogen and electron scattering measurements. [Purpose] In an attempt to understand the di
screpancy, we review high-precision electron scattering results from Mainz, Jefferson Lab, Saskatoon and Stanford. [Method] We make use of stepwise regression techniques using the $F$-test as well as the Akaike information criterion to systematically determine the predictive variables to use for a given set and range of electron scattering data as well as to provide multivariate error estimates. [Results] Starting with the precision, low four-momentum transfer ($Q^2$) data from Mainz (1980) and Saskatoon (1974), we find that a stepwise regression of the Maclaurin series using the $F$-test as well as the Akaike information criterion justify using a linear extrapolation which yields a value for the proton radius that is consistent with the result obtained from muonic hydrogen measurements. Applying the same Maclaurin series and statistical criteria to the 2014 Rosenbluth results on $G_E$ from Mainz, we again find that the stepwise regression tends to favor a radius consistent with the muonic hydrogen radius but produces results that are extremely sensitive to the range of data included in the fit. Making use of the high-$Q^2$ data on $G_E$ to select functions which extrapolate to high $Q^2$, we find that a Pade ($N=M=1$) statistical model works remarkably well, as does a dipole function with a 0.84 fm radius, $G_E(Q^2) = ( 1 + Q^2/0.66,mathrm{GeV}^2)^{-2}$. [Conclusions] From this statistical analysis, we conclude that the electron scattering result and the muonic hydrogen result are consistent. It is the atomic hydrogen results that are the outliers.