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Geometry of the adiabatic theorem

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 نشر من قبل Clyffe Assis Ribeiro C.A. Ribeiro
 تاريخ النشر 2011
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We present a simple and pedagogical derivation of the quantum adiabatic theorem for two level systems (a single qubit) based on geometrical structures of quantum mechanics developed by Anandan and Aharonov, among others. We have chosen to use only the minimum geometric structure needed for an understanding of the adiabatic theorem for this case.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

245 - Bernhard K. Meister 2018
A discretized version of the adiabatic theorem is described with the help of a rule relating a Hermitian operator to its expectation value and variance. The simple initial operator X with known ground state is transformed in a series of N small steps into a more complicated final operator Z with unknown ground state. Each operator along the discretised path in the space of Hermitian matrices is used to measure the state, initially the ground state of X. Measurements similar to the Zeno effect or Renningers negative measurements modify the state incrementally. This process eventually leads to an eigenstate combination of Z. In the limit of vanishing step size the state stays with overwhelming probability in the ground state of each of the N observables.
The quantum adiabatic theorem states that if a quantum system starts in an eigenstate of the Hamiltonian, and this Hamiltonian varies sufficiently slowly, the system stays in this eigenstate. We investigate experimentally the conditions that must be fulfilled for this theorem to hold. We show that the traditional adiabatic condition as well as some conditions that were recently suggested are either not sufficient or not necessary. Experimental evidence is presented by a simple experiment using nuclear spins.
We generalize Katos adiabatic theorem to nonunitary dynamics with an isospectral generator. This enables us to unify two strong-coupling limits: one driven by fast oscillations under a Hamiltonian, and the other driven by strong damping under a Lindb ladian. We discuss the case where both mechanisms are present and provide nonperturbative error bounds. We also analyze the links with the quantum Zeno effect and dynamics.
Adiabatic Quantum Computing (AQC) is an attractive paradigm for solving hard integer polynomial optimization problems. Available hardware restricts the Hamiltonians to be of a structure that allows only pairwise interactions. This requires that the o riginal optimization problem to be first converted -- from its polynomial form -- to a quadratic unconstrained binary optimization (QUBO) problem, which we frame as a problem in algebraic geometry. Additionally, the hardware graph where such a QUBO-Hamiltonian needs to be embedded -- assigning variables of the problem to the qubits of the physical optimizer -- is not a complete graph, but rather one with limited connectivity. This problem graph to hardware graph embedding can also be framed as a problem of computing a Groebner basis of a certain specially constructed polynomial ideal. We develop a systematic computational approach to prepare a given polynomial optimization problem for AQC in three steps. The first step reduces an input polynomial optimization problem into a QUBO through the computation of the Groebner basis of a toric ideal generated from the monomials of the input objective function. The second step computes feasible embeddings. The third step computes the spectral gap of the adiabatic Hamiltonian associated to a given embedding. These steps are applicable well beyond the integer polynomial optimization problem. Our paper provides the first general purpose computational procedure that can be used directly as a $translator$ to solve polynomial integer optimization. Alternatively, it can be used as a test-bed (with small size problems) to help design efficient heuristic quantum compilers by studying various choices of reductions and embeddings in a systematic and comprehensive manner. An added benefit of our framework is in designing Ising architectures through the study of $mathcal Y-$minor universal graphs.
The first proof of the quantum adiabatic theorem was given as early as 1928. Today, this theorem is increasingly applied in a many-body context, e.g. in quantum annealing and in studies of topological properties of matter. In this setup, the rate of variation $varepsilon$ of local terms is indeed small compared to the gap, but the rate of variation of the total, extensive Hamiltonian, is not. Therefore, applications to many-body systems are not covered by the proofs and arguments in the literature. In this letter, we prove a version of the adiabatic theorem for gapped ground states of quantum spin systems, under assumptions that remain valid in the thermodynamic limit. As an application, we give a mathematical proof of Kubo linear response formula for a broad class of gapped interacting systems.
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