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Radion Phenomenology with 3 and 4 Generations

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 نشر من قبل Beste Korutlu Ms.
 تاريخ النشر 2011
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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We study radion phenomenology in an warped extra-dimension scenario with Standard Model fields in the bulk, with and without an additional fourth family of fermions. The radion couplings with the fermions will be generically misaligned with respect to the Standard Model fermion mass matrices, therefore producing some amount of flavor violating couplings and potentially influencing production and decay rates of the radion. Simple analytic expressions for the radion-fermion couplings are obtained with three or four families. We also update and analyze the current experimental limits on radion couplings and on the model parameters, again with both three and four families scenarios. We finally present the modified decay branching ratios of the radion with an emphasis on the new channels involving flavor diagonal and flavor violating decays into fourth generation quarks and leptons.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We study previously unconsidered 3-3-1 models which are characterized by each lepton generation having a different representation under the gauge group. Flavor-changing neutral currents in the lepton sector occur in these models. To satisfy constrain ts on mu to 3e decays, the Z must be heavier than 2 to 40 TeV, depending on the model and assignments of the leptons. These models can result in very unusual Higgs decay modes. In most cases the mu-tau decay state is large (in one case, it is the dominant mode), and in one case, the Higgs to s-sbar rate dominates.
The simple 3-3-1 model that contains the minimal lepton and minimal scalar contents is detailedly studied. The impact of the inert scalars (i.e., the extra fundamental fields that provide realistic dark matter candidates) on the model is discussed. A ll the interactions of the model are derived, in which the standard model ones are identified. We constrain the standard model like Higgs particle at the LHC. We search for the new particles including the inert ones, which contribute to the $B_s$-$bar{B}_s$ mixing, the rare $B_srightarrow mu^+mu^-$ decay, the CKM unitarity violation, as well as producing the dilepton, dijet, diboson, diphoton, and monojet final states at the LHC.
We perform a comprehensive analysis of several phenomenological aspects of the renormalizable extension of the inert 3-3-1 model with sequentially loop-generated SM fermion mass hierarchy. Special attention is paid to the study of the constraints ari sing from the experimental data on the $rho$ parameter, as well as those ones resulting from the charged lepton flavor violating process $muto egamma$ and dark matter. We also study the single $Z$ production via Drell-Yan mechanism at the LHC. We have found that $Z$ gauge bosons heavier than about $4$ TeV comply with the experimental constraints on the oblique $rho$ parameter as well as with the collider constraints. In addition, we have found that the constraint on the charged lepton flavor violating decay $murightarrow egamma$ sets the sterile neutrino masses to be lighter than about $1.12$ TeV. In addition the model allows charged lepton flavor violating processes within reach of the forthcoming experiments. The scalar potential and the gauge sector of the model are analyzed and discussed in detail. Our model successfully accommodates the observed Dark matter relic density.
We study the strong and radiative decays of the anti-quark-quark ground state $J^{PC} = 3^{--}$ ($n^{2 S + 1} L_J = 1^3 D_3$) nonet {$rho_{3} (1690)$, $K_{3}^{ast} (1780)$, $phi_{3} (1850)$, $omega_{3} (1670)$} in the framework of an effective quantu m field theory approach, based on the $SU_mathrm{V}(3)$-flavor-symmetry. The effective model is fitted to experimental data listed by the Particle Data Group. We predict numerous experimentally unknown decay widths and branching ratios. An overall agreement of theory (fit and predictions) with experimental data confirms the $bar{q} q$ nature of the states and qualitatively validates the effective approach. Naturally, experimental clarification as well as advanced theoretical description is needed for trustworthy quantitative predictions, which is observed from some of the decay channels. Besides conventional spin-$3$ mesons, theoretical predictions for ratios of strong and radiative decays of a hypothetical glueball state $G_3 (4200)$ with $J^{PC} = 3^{--}$ are also presented.
We study the possibility of simultaneously addressing neutrino phenomenology and the dark matter in the framework of inverse seesaw. The model is the extension of the standard model by the addition of two right handed neutrinos and three sterile ferm ions which leads to a light sterile state with the mass in the keV range along with three light active neutrino states. The lightest sterile neutrino can account for a feasible dark matter(DM) candidate. We present a $S_{4}$ flavor symmetric model which is further augmented by $Z_{4}times Z_{3}$ symmetry to constrain the Yukawa Lagrangian. The structures of the mass matrices involved in inverse seesaw within the $S_{4}$ framework naturally give rise to correct neutrino mass matrix with non-zero reactor mixing angle $ theta_{13}$. In this framework, we conduct a detailed numerical analysis both for normal hierarchy as well as inverted hierarchy to obtain dark matter mass and DM-active mixing which are the key factors for considering sterile neutrino as a viable dark matter candidate. We constrain the parameter space of the model from the latest cosmological bounds on the mass of the dark matter and DM-active mixing.
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