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Line derived infrared extinction towards the Galactic Center

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 نشر من قبل Tobias Fritz
 تاريخ النشر 2011
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We derive the extinction curve towards the Galactic Center from 1 to 19 micron. We use hydrogen emission lines of the minispiral observed by ISO-SWS and SINFONI. The extinction free flux reference is the 2 cm continuum emission observed by the VLA. Towards the inner 14 * 20 we find an extinction of A(2.166 micron)=2.62 +/- 0.11, with a power-law slope of alpha=-2.11 +/- 0.06 shortward of 2.8 micron, consistent with the average near infrared slope from the recent literature. At longer wavelengths, however, we find that the extinction is grayer than shortward of 2.8 micron. We find it is not possible to fit the observed extinction curve with a dust model consisting of pure carbonaceous and silicate grains only, and the addition of composite particles, including ices, is needed to explain the observations. Combining a distance dependent extinction with our distance independent extinction we derive the distance to the GC to be R_0=7.94 +/- 0.65 kpc. Towards Sgr A* (r<0.5) we obtain A_H=4.21 +/- 0.10, A_Ks=2.42 +/- 0.10 and A_L=1.09 +/- 0.13.

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Due to the extreme extinction towards the Galactic centre ($A_{V} sim 30$ mag), its stellar population is mainly studied in the near-infrared (NIR) regime. Therefore, a proper analysis of the NIR extinction curve is necessary to fully characterise th e stellar structure and population of the inner part of the galaxy. We studied the dependence of the extinction index ($alpha_lambda$) in the NIR on the line of sight, wavelength, and extinction. We used the GALACTICNUCLEUS imaging survey, a high angular resolution catalogue ($0.2$) for the inner part of the Galaxy in $JHK_s$, and studied the spatial variation in the extinction index. We also applied two independent methods based on red clump stars to compute the extinction index between different bands and its variation with wavelength. We did not detect any significant line-of-sight or extinction variation in $alpha$ within the studied region in the nuclear stellar disc. The extinction index between $JH$ and $HK_s$ differs by $0.19 pm 0.05$. We obtained mean values for the extinction indices $alpha_{JH} = 2.43pm0.03$ and $alpha_{HK_s} = 2.23pm0.03$. The dependence of the extinction index on the wavelength could explain the differences obtained for $alpha_lambda$ in the literature since it was assumed constant for the NIR regime.
[ABRIDGED] Context. O stars are excellent tracers of the intervening ISM because of their high luminosity, blue intrinsic SED, and relatively featureless spectra. We are currently conducting GOSSS, which is generating a large sample of O stars with a ccurate spectral types within several kpc of the Sun. Aims. To obtain a global picture of the properties of dust extinction in the solar neighborhood based on optical-NIR photometry of O stars with accurate spectral types. Methods. We have processed a photometric set with the CHORIZOS code to measure the amount and type of extinction towards 562 O-type stellar systems. We have tested three different families of extinction laws and analyzed our results with the help of additional archival data. Results. The Maiz Apellaniz et al. (2014) family of extinction laws provides a better description of Galactic dust that either the Cardelli et al. (1989) or Fitzpatrick (1999) families, so it should be preferentially used. In many cases O stars and late-type stars experience similar amounts of extinction at similar distances but some O stars are located close to the molecular clouds left over from their births and have larger extinctions than the average for nearby late-type populations. In qualitative terms, O stars experience a more diverse extinction than late-type stars, as some are affected by the small-grain-size, low-R_5495 effect of molecular clouds and others by the large-grain-size, high-R_5495 effect of H II regions. Late-type stars experience a narrower range of grain sizes or R_5495, as their extinction is predominantly caused by the average, diffuse ISM. We propose that the reason for the existence of large-grain-size, high-R_5495 regions in the ISM in the form of H II regions and hot-gas bubbles is the selective destruction of small dust grains by EUV photons and possibly by thermal sputtering by atoms or ions.
173 - Jian Gao 2009
Based on the data obtained from the Spitzer/GLIPMSE Legacy Program and the 2MASS project, we derive the extinction in the four IRAC bands, [3.6], [4.5], [5.8] and [8.0] micron, relative to the 2MASS Ks band (at 2.16 micron) for 131 GLIPMSE fields alo ng the Galactic plane within |l|<65 deg, using red giants and red clump giants as tracers. As a whole, the mean extinction in the IRAC bands (normalized to the 2MASS Ks band), A_[3.6]/A_Ks=0.63, A_[4.5]/A_Ks=0.57, A_[5.8]/A_Ks=0.49, A_[8.0]/A_Ks=0.55, exhibits little variation with wavelength (i.e. the extinction is somewhat flat or gray). This is consistent with previous studies and agrees with that predicted from the standard interstellar grain model for R_V=5.5 by Weingartner & Draine (2001). As far as individual sightline is concerned, however, the wavelength dependence of the mid-infrared interstellar extinction A_{lambda}/A_Ks varies from one sightline to another, suggesting that there may not exist a universal IR extinction law. We, for the first time, demonstrate the existence of systematic variations of extinction with Galactic longitude which appears to correlate with the locations of spiral arms as well as with the variation of the far infrared luminosity of interstellar dust.
157 - R. Deno Stelter 2020
We present an extinction map of the inner $sim$SI{15}{arcminute} by {16}{arcminute} of the Galactic Center (GC) with map `pixels measuring SI{5}{arcsecond} $times$ SI{5}{arcsecond} using integrated light color measurements in the near- and mid-infrar ed. We use a variant of the Rayleigh-Jeans Color Excess (RJCE) method first described by Majewski et al. (2011) as the basis of our work, although we have approached our problem with a Bayesian mindset and dispensed with point-source photometry in favor of surface photometry, turning the challenge of the extremely crowded field at the GC into an advantage. Our results show that extinction at the GC is not inconsistent with a single power law coefficient, $beta=2.03pm0.06$, and compare our results with those using the Red Clump (RC) point-source photometry method of extinction estimation. We find that our measurement of $beta$ and its apparent lack of spatial variation are in agreement with prior studies, despite the bimodal distribution of values in our extinction map at the GC with peaks at um{5} and SI{7.5}{mag}. This bimodal nature of extinction is likely due to the InfraRed Dark Clouds that obscure portions of the inner GC field. We present our extinction law and map and de-reddened NIR CMDs and color-color diagram of the GC region using the point-source catalog of IR sources compiled by DeWitt et al. (2010). The de-reddening is limited by the error in the extinction measurement (typically SI{0.6}{mag}), which is affected by the size of our map pixels and is not fine-grained enough to separate out the multiple stellar populations present toward the GC.
We systematically investigate the error sources for high-precision astrometry from adaptive optics based near-infrared imaging data. We focus on the application in the crowded stellar field in the Galactic Center. We show that at the level of <=100 m icro-arcseconds a number of effects are limiting the accuracy. Most important are the imperfectly subtracted seeing halos of neighboring stars, residual image distortions and unrecognized confusion of the target source with fainter sources in the background. Further contributors to the error budget are the uncertainty in estimating the point spread function, the signal-to-noise ratio induced statistical uncertainty, coordinate transformation errors, the chromaticity of refraction in Earths atmosphere, the post adaptive optics differential tilt jitter and anisoplanatism. For stars as bright as mK=14, residual image distortions limit the astrometry, for fainter stars the limitation is set by the seeing halos of the surrounding stars. In order to improve the astrometry substantially at the current generation of telescopes, an adaptive optics system with high performance and weak seeing halos over a relatively small field (r<=3) is suited best. Furthermore, techniques to estimate or reconstruct the seeing halo could be promising.
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