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Mid-Infrared Extinction and its Variation with Galactic Longitude

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 نشر من قبل Jian Gao
 تاريخ النشر 2009
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Jian Gao

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Based on the data obtained from the Spitzer/GLIPMSE Legacy Program and the 2MASS project, we derive the extinction in the four IRAC bands, [3.6], [4.5], [5.8] and [8.0] micron, relative to the 2MASS Ks band (at 2.16 micron) for 131 GLIPMSE fields along the Galactic plane within |l|<65 deg, using red giants and red clump giants as tracers. As a whole, the mean extinction in the IRAC bands (normalized to the 2MASS Ks band), A_[3.6]/A_Ks=0.63, A_[4.5]/A_Ks=0.57, A_[5.8]/A_Ks=0.49, A_[8.0]/A_Ks=0.55, exhibits little variation with wavelength (i.e. the extinction is somewhat flat or gray). This is consistent with previous studies and agrees with that predicted from the standard interstellar grain model for R_V=5.5 by Weingartner & Draine (2001). As far as individual sightline is concerned, however, the wavelength dependence of the mid-infrared interstellar extinction A_{lambda}/A_Ks varies from one sightline to another, suggesting that there may not exist a universal IR extinction law. We, for the first time, demonstrate the existence of systematic variations of extinction with Galactic longitude which appears to correlate with the locations of spiral arms as well as with the variation of the far infrared luminosity of interstellar dust.

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اقرأ أيضاً

The dust extinction curve is a critical component of many observational programs and an important diagnostic of the physics of the interstellar medium. Here we present new measurements of the dust extinction curve and its variation towards tens of th ousands of stars, a hundred-fold larger sample than in existing detailed studies. We use data from the APOGEE spectroscopic survey in combination with ten-band photometry from Pan-STARRS1, 2MASS, and WISE. We find that the extinction curve in the optical through infrared is well characterized by a one-parameter family of curves described by R(V). The extinction curve is more uniform than suggested in past works, with sigma(R(V)) = 0.18, and with less than one percent of sight lines having R(V) > 4. Our data and analysis have revealed two new aspects of Galactic extinction: first, we find significant, wide-area variations in R(V) throughout the Galactic plane. These variations are on scales much larger than individual molecular clouds, indicating that R(V) variations must trace much more than just grain growth in dense molecular environments. Indeed, we find no correlation between R(V) and dust column density up to E(B-V) ~ 2. Second, we discover a strong relationship between R(V) and the far-infrared dust emissivity.
89 - M. Juvela , J. Montillaud 2015
Several methods exist to convert near-infrared (NIR) stellar observations into extinction maps. We present a new method based on NIR multiband observations. The method uses a discretised version of the distribution of intrinsic stellar colours. A num ber of variations of the basic method are tested, and the results are compared to NICER calculations. When photometric errors are large, the results are close to those of NICER method but some advantages can be seen when the distribution of intrinsic colours cannot be described well with a single covariance matrix. A priori information about relative column density variations at sub-beam scales can result in a significant increase in accuracy. The results may be further improved by considering the magnitude dependence of the intrinsic colours. Thus, the new methods are useful mostly when photometric errors are small, the distribution of intrinsic colours is well known, or one has prior knowledge of the small-scale structures.
Highly reddened type Ia Supernovae (SNe Ia) with low total-to-selective visual extinction ratio values, $R_V$, also show peculiar linear polarization wavelength dependencies with peak polarizations at short wavelengths ($lambda_{max} lesssim 0.4 mu m $). It is not clear why sightlines to SNe Ia display such different continuum polarization profiles from interstellar sightlines in the Milky Way with similar $R_V$ values. We investigate polarization profiles of a sample of Galactic stars with low $R_V$ values, along anomalous extinction sightlines, with the aim to find similarities to the polarization profiles that we observe in SN Ia sightlines. We undertook spectropolarimetry of 14 stars, and used archival data for three additional stars, and run dust extinction and polarization simulations to infer a simple dust model that can reproduce the observed extinction and polarization curves. Our sample of Galactic stars with low $R_V$ values and anomalous extinction sightlines displays normal polarization profiles with an average $lambda_{max} sim 0.53 {mu m}$, and is consistent within 3$sigma$ to a larger coherent sample of Galactic stars from literature. Despite the low $R_V$ values of dust towards the stars in our sample, the polarization curves do not show any similarity to the continuum polarization curves observed towards SNe Ia with low $R_V$ values. There is a correlation between the best-fit Serkowski parameters $K$ and $lambda_{max}$, but we did not find any significant correlation between $R_V$ and $lambda_{max}$. Our simulations show that the $K-lambda_{max}$ relationship is an intrinsic property of polarization. Furthermore, we have shown that in order to reproduce polarization curves with normal $lambda_{max}$ and low $R_V$ values, a population of large (a $geq 0.1 mu m$) interstellar silicate grains must be contained in the dusts composition.
How does the environment affect active galactic nucleus (AGN) activity? We investigated this question in an extinction-free way, by selecting 1120 infrared galaxies in the $AKARI$ North Ecliptic Pole Wide field at redshift $z$ $leq$ 1.2. A unique fea ture of the $AKARI$ satellite is its continuous 9-band infrared (IR) filter coverage, providing us with an unprecedentedly large sample of IR spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of galaxies. By taking advantage of this, for the first time, we explored the AGN activity derived from SED modelling as a function of redshift, luminosity, and environment. We quantified AGN activity in two ways: AGN contribution fraction (ratio of AGN luminosity to the total IR luminosity), and AGN number fraction (ratio of number of AGNs to the total galaxy sample). We found that galaxy environment (normalised local density) does not greatly affect either definitions of AGN activity of our IRG/LIRG samples (log ${rm L}_{rm TIR}$ $leq$ 12). However, we found a different behavior for ULIRGs (log ${rm L}_{rm TIR}$ $>$ 12). At our highest redshift bin (0.7 $lesssim$ z $lesssim$ 1.2), AGN activity increases with denser environments, but at the intermediate redshift bin (0.3 $lesssim$ z $lesssim$ 0.7), the opposite is observed. These results may hint at a different physical mechanism for ULIRGs. The trends are not statistically significant (p $geq$ 0.060 at the intermediate redshift bin, and p $geq$ 0.139 at the highest redshift bin). Possible different behavior of ULIRGs is a key direction to explore further with future space missions (e.g., $JWST$, $Euclid$, $SPHEREx$).
117 - Shu Wang , Xiaodian Chen 2019
A precise interstellar dust extinction law is critically important to interpret observations. There are two indicators of extinction: the color excess ratio (CER) and the relative extinction. Compared to the CER, the wavelength-dependent relative ext inction is more challenging to be determined. In this work, we combine spectroscopic, astrometric, and photometric data to derive high-precision CERs and relative extinction from optical to mid-infrared (IR) bands. A group of 61,111 red clump (RC) stars are selected as tracers by stellar parameters from APOGEE survey. The multiband photometric data are collected from Gaia, APASS, SDSS, Pan-STARRS1, 2MASS, and WISE surveys. For the first time, we calibrate the curvature of CERs in determining CERs E(lambda-GRP)/E(GBP-GRP) from color excess--color excess diagrams. Through elaborate uncertainty analysis, we conclude that the precision of our CERs is significantly improved (sigma < 0.015). With parallaxes from Gaia DR2, we calculate the relative extinction A_GBP/A_GRP for 5051 RC stars. By combining the CERs with the A_GBP/A_GRP, the optical--mid-IR extinction A_lambda/A_GRP has been determined in a total of 21 bands. Given no bias toward any specific environment, our extinction law represents the average extinction law with the total-to-selective extinction ratio Rv=3.16+-0.15. Our observed extinction law supports an adjustment in parameters of the CCM Rv=3.1 curve, together with the near-IR power-law index alpha=2.07+-0.03. The relative extinction values of HST and JWST near-IR bandpasses are predicted in 2.5% precision. As the observed reddening/extinction tracks are curved, the curvature correction needs to be considered when applying extinction correction.
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