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Phase dependent interference effects on atomic excitation

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 نشر من قبل Pankaj Jha
 تاريخ النشر 2011
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We present an experimental and theoretical study of phase-dependent interference effects in multi-photon excitation under bichromatic radio-frequency (rf) field. Using an intense rf pulse, we study the interference between the three-photon and one-photon transition between the Zeeman sub-levels of the ground state of $^{87}$Rb that allows us to determine the carrier-envelope phase of the fields even for long pulses.

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172 - Min Jiang , Wenjie Xu , Qing Li 2020
Atomic magnetometers are highly sensitive detectors of magnetic fields that monitor the evolution of the macroscopic magnetic moment of atomic vapors, and opening new applications in biological, physical, and chemical science. However, the performanc e of atomic magnetometers is often limited by hidden systematic effects that may cause misdiagnosis for a variety of applications, e.g., in NMR and in biomagnetism. In this work, we uncover a hitherto unexplained interference effect in atomic magnetometers, which causes an important systematic effect to greatly deteriorate the accuracy of measuring magnetic fields. We present a standard approach to detecting and characterizing the interference effect in, but not limited to, atomic magnetometers. As applications of our work, we consider the effect of the interference in NMR structural determination and locating the brain electrophysiological symptom, and show that it will help to improve the measurement accuracy by taking interference effects into account. Through our experiments, we indeed find good agreement between our prediction and the asymmetric amplitudes of resonant lines in ultralow-field NMR spectra -- an effect that has not been understood so far. We anticipate that our work will stimulate interesting new researches for magnetic interference phenomena in a wide range of magnetometers and their applications.
We demonstrate spatially resolved, coherent excitation of Rydberg atoms on an atom chip. Electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) is used to investigate the properties of the Rydberg atoms near the gold coated chip surface. We measure distance dependent shifts (~10 MHz) of the Rydberg energy levels caused by a spatially inhomogeneous electric field. The measured field strength and distance dependence is in agreement with a simple model for the electric field produced by a localized patch of Rb adsorbates deposited on the chip surface during experiments. The EIT resonances remain narrow (< 4 MHz) and the observed widths are independent of atom-surface distance down to ~20 mum, indicating relatively long lifetime of the Rydberg states. Our results open the way to studies of dipolar physics, collective excitations, quantum metrology and quantum information processing involving interacting Rydberg excited atoms on atom chips.
We theoretically investigate a double-{Lambda} electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) system. The property of the double-{Lambda} medium with a closed-loop configuration depends on the relative phase of the applied laser fields. This phase-de pendent mechanism differentiates the double-{Lambda} medium from the conventional Kerr-based nonlinear medium, e.g., EIT-based nonlinear medium discussed by Harris and Hau [Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 4611 (1999)], which depends only on the intensities of the applied laser fields. Steady-state analytical solutions for the phase-dependent system are obtained by solving the Maxwell-Bloch equations. In addition, we discuss efficient all-optical phase modulation and coherent light amplification based on the proposed double-{Lambda} EIT scheme.
We study the effects of field fluctuations on the total yields of Auger electrons, obtained in the excitation of neutral atoms to a core-excited state by means of short-wavelength free-electron-laser pulses. Beginning with a self-contained analysis o f the statistical properties of fluctuating free-electron-laser pulses, we analyse separately and in detail the cases of single and double Auger resonances, focusing on fundamental phenomena such as power broadening and ac Stark (Autler-Townes) splitting. In certain cases, field fluctuations are shown to influence dramatically the frequency response of the resonances, whereas in other cases the signal obtained may convey information about the bandwidth of the radiation as well as the dipole moment between Auger states.
Ordered atomic arrays trapped in the vicinity of nanoscale waveguides offer original light-matter interfaces, with applications to quantum information and quantum non-linear optics. Here, we study the decay dynamics of a single collective atomic exci tation coupled to a waveguide in different configurations. The atoms are arranged as a linear array and only a segment of them is excited to a superradiant mode and emits light into the waveguide. Additional atomic chains placed on one or both sides play a passive role, either reflecting or absorbing this emission. We show that when varying the geometry, such a one-dimensional atomic system could be able to redirect the emitted light, to directionally reduce or enhance it, and in some cases to localize it in a cavity formed by the atomic mirrors bounding the system.
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