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Dynamics and Gravitational Wave Signature of Collapsar Formation

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 نشر من قبل Christian D. Ott
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف C. D. Ott

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We perform 3+1 general relativistic simulations of rotating core collapse in the context of the collapsar model for long gamma-ray bursts. We employ a realistic progenitor, rotation based on results of stellar evolution calculations, and a simplified equation of state. Our simulations track self-consistently collapse, bounce, the postbounce phase, black hole formation, and the subsequent early hyperaccretion phase. We extract gravitational waves from the spacetime curvature and identify a unique gravitational wave signature associated with the early phase of collapsar formation.

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اقرأ أيضاً

After the prediction of many sub- and super-Chandrasekhar (at least a dozen for the latter) limiting mass white dwarfs, hence apparently peculiar class of white dwarfs, from the observations of luminosity of type Ia supernovae, researchers have propo sed various models to explain these two classes of white dwarfs separately. We earlier showed that these two peculiar classes of white dwarfs, along with the regular white dwarfs, can be explained by a single form of the f(R) gravity, whose effect is significant only in the high-density regime, and it almost vanishes in the low-density regime. However, since there is no direct detection of such white dwarfs, it is difficult to single out one specific theory from the zoo of modified theories of gravity. We discuss the possibility of direct detection of such white dwarfs in gravitational wave astronomy. It is well-known that in f(R) gravity, more than two polarization modes are present. We estimate the amplitudes of all the relevant modes for the peculiar as well as the regular white dwarfs. We further discuss the possibility of their detections through future-based gravitational wave detectors, such as LISA, ALIA, DECIGO, BBO, or Einstein Telescope, and thereby put constraints or rule out various modified theories of gravity. This exploration links the theory with possible observations through gravitational wave in f(R) gravity.
Recent evidence of super-Chandrasekhar white dwarfs (WDs), from the observations of over-luminous type Ia supernovae (SNeIa), has been a great astrophysical discovery. However, no such massive WDs have so far been observed directly as their luminosit ies are generally quite low. Hence it immediately raises the question of whether there is any possibility of detecting them directly. The search for super-Chandrasekhar WDs is very important as SNeIa are used as standard candles in cosmology. In this article, we show that continuous gravitational wave can allow us to detect such super-Chandrasekhar WDs directly.
89 - Surajit Kalita 2020
In about last couple of decades, the inference of the violation of the Chandrasekhar mass-limit of white dwarfs from indirect observation is probably a revolutionary discovery in astronomy. Various researchers have already proposed different theories to explain this interesting phenomenon. However, such massive white dwarfs usually possess very little luminosity, and hence they, so far, cannot be detected directly by any observations. We have already proposed that the continuous gravitational wave may be one of the probes to detect them directly, and in the future, various space-based detectors such as LISA, DECIGO, and BBO, should be able to detect many of those white dwarfs (provided they behave like pulsars). In this paper, we address various timescales related to the emission of gravitational as well as dipole radiations. This exploration sets a timescale for the detectors to observe the massive white dwarfs.
We perform population synthesis simulations for Population III (Pop III) coalescing binary neutron stars (NS-NSs), neutron star - black hole binaries (NS-BHs), and binary black holes (BH-BHs) which merge within the age of the universe. We found that the typical mass of Pop III BH-BHs is $sim 30 rm{M}_{odot}$ so that the inspiral chirp signal of gravitational waves can be detected up to z=0.28 by KAGRA, Adv. LIGO, Adv. Virgo and GEO network. Our simulations suggest that the detection rate of the coalescing Pop III BH-BHs is $140 (68) cdot ({rm SFR}_{rm p}/10^{-2.5} rm{M}_{odot} {rm yr}^{-1} {rm Mpc}^{-3}) cdot {rm Err}_{rm sys} ~{rm events} ~{rm yr}^{-1}$ for the flat (Salpeter) initial mass function (IMF), respectively, where $rm SFR_p$ and $rm Err_{sys}$ are the peak value of the Pop III star formation rate and the possible systematic errors due to the assumptions in Pop III population synthesis, respectively. $rm Err_{sys}=1$ correspond to conventional parameters for Pop I stars. From the observation of the chirp signal of the coalescing Pop III BH-BHs, we can determine both the mass and the redshift of the binary for the cosmological parameters determined by Planck satellite. Our simulations suggest that the cumulative redshift distribution of the coalescing Pop III BH-BHs depends almost only on the cosmological parameters. We might be able to confirm the existence of Pop III massive stars of mass $sim 30~rm M_{odot}$ by the detections of gravitational waves if the merger rate of the Pop III massive BH-BHs dominates that of Pop I BH-BHs.
79 - Rylan Jardine 2021
We investigate the impact of rotation and magnetic fields on the dynamics and gravitational wave emission in 2D core-collapse supernova simulations with neutrino transport. We simulate 16 different models of $15,M_odot$ and $39,M_odot$ progenitor sta rs with various initial rotation profiles and initial magnetic fields strengths up to $10^{12}, mathrm{G}$, assuming a dipolar field geometry in the progenitor. Strong magnetic fields generally prove conducive to shock revival, though this trend is not without exceptions. The impact of rotation on the post-bounce dynamics is more variegated, in line with previous studies. A significant impact on the time-frequency structure of the gravitational wave signal is found only for rapid rotation or strong initial fields. For rapid rotation, the angular momentum gradient at the proto-neutron star surface can appreciably affect the frequency of the dominant mode, so that known analytic relations for the high-frequency emission band no longer hold. In case of two magnetorotational explosion models, the time-frequency structure of the post-bounce emission appears rather different from neutrino-driven explosions. In one of these two models, a new high-frequency emission component of significant amplitude emerges about $200, mathrm{ms}$ after the burst of gravitational wave emission around shock revival has subsided. This emission is characterised by broad-band power well into the kHz range. Its emission mechanism remains unclear and needs to be investigated further. We also estimate the maximum detection distances for our waveforms. The magnetorotational models do not stick out for higher detectability during the post-bounce and explosion phase.
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