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Nucleon form factors: the space-time connection

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 نشر من قبل Simone Pacetti
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف S. Pacetti

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Analyticity of nucleon form factors allows to derive sum rules which, using space-like and time-like data as input, can give unique information about behaviors in energy regions not experimentally accessible. Taking advantage from new time-like data on proton-antiproton differential cross section and hence the possibility to separate electric and magnetic form factors also in the time-like region, we verify the consistency of the asymptotic behavior predicted by the perturbative QCD for the proton magnetic form factor.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

163 - Giovanni Salm`e 2008
Some recent advances in the theoretical description of the Nucleon electromagnetic form factors, both in the space- and time-like regions, will be briefly illustrated. In particular, both the present stage of the lattice calculations and updated phen omenological approaches, like the ones based on dispersion relations and on microscopical models, will be reported.
The possibility to compute nucleon electromagnetic form factors in the time-like region by analytic continuation of their space-like expressions has been explored in the framework of the Skyrme model. We have developed a procedure to solve analytical ly Fourier transforms of the nucleon electromagnetic current and hence to obtain form factors defined in all kinematical regions and fulfilling the first-principles requirements. The results are discussed and compared to data, both in space-like and time-like region.
230 - A.J. Buchmann 2007
To obtain further information on the geometric shape of the nucleon, the proton charge form factor is decomposed into two terms, which are connected respectively with a spherically symmetric and an intrinsic quadrupole part of the protons charge dens ity. Quark model relations are employed to derive expressions for both terms. In particular, the protons intrinsic quadrupole form factor is obtained from a relation between the N -> Delta and neutron charge form factors. The proposed decomposition shows that the neutron charge form factor is an observable manifestation of an intrinsic quadrupole form factor of the nucleon. Furthermore, it affords an interpretation of recent electron-nucleon scattering data in terms of a nonspherical distribution of quark-antiquark pairs in the nucleon.
The nucleon electromagnetic form factors are calculated in light cone QCD sum rules framework using the most general form of the nucleon interpolating current. Using two forms of the distribution amplitudes (DAs), predictions for the form factors are presented and compared with existing experimental data. It is shown that our results describe remarkably well the existing experimental data.
Elastic electromagnetic form factors of nucleons are investigated both for the time-like and the space-like momentums by using the unsubtracted dispersion relation with QCD constraints. It is shown that the calculated form factors reproduce the exper imental data reasonably well; they agree with recent experimental data for the neutron magnetic form factors for the space-like data obtained by the CLAS collaboration and are compatible with the ratio of the electric and magnetic form factors for the time-like momentum obtained by the BABAR collaboration.
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