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Metal-insulator transition in Nd1-xEuxNiO3 probed by specific heat and anelastic measurements

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 نشر من قبل Vagner Barbeta
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف V. B. Barbeta

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Oxides RNiO3 (R = rare-earth, R # La) exhibit a metal-insulator (MI) transition at a temperature TMI and an antiferromagnetic (AF) transition at TN. Specific heat (CP) and anelastic spectroscopy measurements were performed in samples of Nd1-xEuxNiO3, 0 <= x <= 0.35. For x = 0, a peak in CP is observed upon cooling and warming at essentially the same temperature TMI = TN ~ 195 K, although the cooling peak is much smaller. For x >= 0.25, differences between cooling and warming curves are negligible, and two well defined peaks are clearly observed: one at lower temperatures, that define TN, and the other one at TMI. An external magnetic field of 9 T had no significant effect on these results. The elastic compliance (s) and the reciprocal of the mechanical quality factor (Q^-1) of NdNiO3, measured upon warming, showed a very sharp peak at essentially the same temperature obtained from CP, and no peak is observed upon cooling. The elastic modulus hardens below TMI much more sharply upon warming, while the cooling and warming curves are reproducible above TMI. On the other hand, for the sample with x = 0.35, s and Q^-1 curves are very similar upon warming and cooling. The results presented here give credence to the proposition that the MI phase transition changes from first to second order with increasing Eu doping.

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Metal-insulator transitions involve a mix of charge, spin, and structural degrees of freedom, and when strongly-correlated, can underlay the emergence of exotic quantum states. Mott insulators induced by the opening of a Coulomb gap are an important and well-recognized class of transitions, but insulators purely driven by spin correlations are much less common, as the reduced energy scale often invites competition from other degrees of freedom. Here we demonstrate a clean example of a spin-correlation-driven metal-insulator transition in the all-in-all-out pyrochlore antiferromagnet Cd2Os2O7, where the lattice symmetry is fully preserved by the antiferromagnetism. After the antisymmetric linear magnetoresistance from conductive, ferromagnetic domain walls is carefully removed experimentally, the Hall coefficient of the bulk reveals four Fermi surfaces, two of electron type and two of hole type, sequentially departing the Fermi level with decreasing temperature below the Neel temperature, T_N. Contrary to the common belief of concurrent magnetic and metal-insulator transitions in Cd2Os2O7, the charge gap of a continuous metal-insulator transition opens only at T~10K, well below T_N=227K. The insulating mechanism resolved by the Hall coefficient parallels the Slater picture, but without a folded Brillouin zone, and contrasts sharply with the behavior of Mott insulators and spin density waves, where the electronic gap opens above and at T_N, respectively.
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