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High-energy asymptotics of D-brane decay amplitudes from Coulomb gas electrostatics

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 نشر من قبل Niko Jokela
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We study the high-energy limit of tree-level string production amplitudes from decaying D-branes in bosonic string theory, interpreting the vertex operators as external charges interacting with a Coulomb gas corresponding to the rolling tachyon background, and performing an electrostatic analysis. In particular, we consider two open string - one closed string amplitudes and four open string amplitudes, and calculate explicit formulas for the leading exponential behavior.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We study the partition function of a two-dimensional Coulomb gas on a circle, in the presence of external pointlike charges, in a double scaling limit where both the external charges and the number of gas particles are large. Our original motivation comes from studying amplitudes for multi-string emission from a decaying D-brane in the high energy limit. We analyze the scaling limit of the partition function and calculate explicit results. We also consider applications to random matrix theory. The partition functions can be related to random scattering, or to weights of lattice paths in certain growth models. In particular, we consider the discrete polynuclear growth model and use our results to compute the cumulative probability density for the height of long level-1 paths. We also obtain an estimate for an almost certain maximum height.
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236 - H.Ishikawa , Y.Matsuo , Y.Sugawara 1996
We derive the BPS mass formulae of the Dirichlet branes from the Born-Infeld type action. BPS saturation is realized when the brane has the minimal volume while keeping the appropriate winding numbers. We apply the idea to two cases, type IIA superst ring compactified on $T^4$ and $K3$. The result is consistent with the string duality, and the expected spectrum for the BPS states is reproduced.
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