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Proton Decay in Intersecting D-brane Models

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 نشر من قبل Igor Klebanov
 تاريخ النشر 2003
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We analyze proton decay via dimension six operators in certain GUT-like models derived from Type IIA orientifolds with $D6$-branes. The amplitude is parametrically enhanced by a factor of $alpha_{GUT}^{-1/3}$ relative to the coresponding result in four-dimensional GUTs. Nonetheless, even assuming a plausible enhancement from the threshold corrections, we find little overall enhancement of the proton decay rate from dimension six operators, so that the predicted lifetime from this mechanism remains close to $10^{36}$ years.

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اقرأ أيضاً

In this paper we study dynamical supersymmetry breaking in absence of gravity with the matter content of the minimal supersymmetric standard model. The hidden sector of the theory is a strongly coupled gauge theory, realized in terms of microscopic v ariables which condensate to form mesons. The supersymmetry breaking scalar potential combines F, D terms with instanton generated interactions in the Higgs-mesons sector. We show that for a large region in parameter space the vacuum breaks in addition to supersymmetry also electroweak gauge symmetry. We furthermore present local D-brane configurations that realize these supersymmetry breaking patterns.
In arXiv:1403.0389 and arXiv:1610.07140 intersecting $D$-branes in flat space were studied at finite temperature in the Yang-Mills approximation. The one-loop correction to the tachyon mass was computed and the critical temperature at which the tachy on becomes massless was obtained numerically. In this paper we extend the computation of one-loop two-point amplitude to the case of intersecting stacks of $D3$-branes in flat space. The motivation for this calculation is to study the strong coupling holographic BCS model proposed in arXiv:1104.2843 at finite temperature. We show that the analytical results of arXiv:1403.0389 and arXiv:1610.07140 can be embedded into this more general setup. The main technicality involved here is keeping track of the extra color factors coming from the unbroken gauge groups. We further discuss the issues involved in the computation of two point amplitude for case of multiple intersecting stacks of branes.
238 - Mingxing Luo , Sibo Zheng 2008
String instanton effects in Higgs physics are discussed through a type IIA model based on T^{6}/(Z^{2}times Z^{2}) orentifold compactifaction. By inclusion of rigid E2-branes, the model exhibits a MSSM-like spectrum, as well as extra mu and quartic H iggs couplings. These extra couplings are induced via E2 instantons non-perturbatively. Setting the string scale at 10^{18} GeV, one gets interesting TeV Higgs physics. In particlular, the tree-level Higgs mass can be uplifted substantially.
We discuss the gravitino problem in contest of the Exotic see-saw mechanism for neutrinos and Leptogenesis, UV completed by intersecting D-branes Pati-Salam models. In the Exotic see-saw model, supersymmetry is broken at high scales $M_{SUSY}>10^{9}, rm GeV$ and this seems in contradiction with gravitino bounds from inflation and baryogenesis. However, if gravitino is the Lightest Stable Supersymmetric Particle, it will not decay into other SUSY particles, avoiding the gravitino problem and providing a good Cold Dark Matter. Gravitini are Super Heavy Dark Particles and they can be produced by non-adiabatic expansion during inflation. Intriguingly, from bounds on the correct abundance of dark matter, we also constrain the neutrino sector. We set a limit on the exotic instantonic coupling of $<10^{-2}div 10^{-3}$. This also sets important constrains on the Calabi-Yau compactifications and on the string scale. This model strongly motivates very high energy DM indirect detection of neutrini and photons of $10^{11}div 10^{13}, rm GeV$: gravitini can decay on them in a cosmological time because of soft R-parity breaking effective operators.
We show that contrary to first expectations realistic three generation supersymmetric intersecting brane world models give rise to phenomenologically interesting predictions about gauge coupling unification. Assuming the most economical way of realiz ing the matter content of the MSSM via intersecting branes we obtain a model independent relation among the three gauge coupling constants at the string scale. In order to correctly reproduce the experimentally known values of sin^2[theta_W(M_z)] and alpha_s(M_z) this relation leads to natural gauge coupling unification at a string scale close to the standard GUT scale 2 x 10^16 GeV. Additional vector-like matter can push the unification scale up to the Planck scale.
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