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The Physical Conditions of the Intrinsic N V Narrow Absorption Line Systems of Three Quasars

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 نشر من قبل Michael Eracleous
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Jian Wu

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We employ detailed photoionization models to infer the physical conditions of intrinsic narrow absorption line systems found in high resolution spectra of three quasars at z=2.6-3.0. We focus on a family of intrinsic absorbers characterized by N V lines that are strong relative to the Ly-alpha lines. The inferred physical conditions are similar for the three intrinsic N V absorbers, with metallicities greater than 10 times the solar value (assuming a solar abundance pattern), and with high ionization parameters (log U ~ 0). Thus, we conclude that the unusual strength of the N V lines results from a combination of partial coverage, a high ionization state, and high metallicity. We consider whether dilution of the absorption lines by flux from the broad-emission line region can lead us to overestimate the metallicities and we find that this is an unlikely possibility. The high abundances that we infer are not surprising in the context of scenarios in which metal enrichment takes place very early on in massive galaxies. We estimate that the mass outflow rate in the absorbing gas (which is likely to have a filamentary structure) is less than a few solar masses per year under the most optimistic assumptions, although it may be embedded in a much hotter, more massive outflow.

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اقرأ أيضاً

The current paradigm for the AGN phenomenon is a central engine that consists of an inflow of material accreting in the form of a disk onto a supermassive black hole. Observations in the UV and optical find high velocity ionized material outflowing f rom the black hole. We present results from Suzaku and XMM-Newton observations of a sample of intrinsic NAL quasars with high velocity outflows. Our derived values of the intrinsic column densities of the X-ray absorbers are consistent with an outflow scenario in which NAL quasars are viewed at smaller inclination angles than BAL quasars. We find that the distributions of alpha_ox and Dalpha_ox of the NAL quasars of our sample differ significantly from those of BAL quasars and SDSS radio-quiet quasars. The NAL quasars are not significantly absorbed in the X-ray band and the positive values of Dalpha_ox suggest absorption in the UV band. The positive values of Dalpha_ox of the intrinsic NAL quasars can be explained in a geometric scenario where our lines of sight towards the compact X-ray hot coronae of NAL quasars do not traverse the absorbing wind whereas lines of sight towards their UV emitting accretion disks do intercept the outflowing absorbers.
152 - Christian Knigge 2008
We carefully reconsider the problem of classifying broad absorption line quasars (BALQSOs) and derive a new, unbiased estimate of the intrinsic BALQSO fraction from the SDSS DR3 QSO catalogue. We first show that the distribution of objects selected b y the so-called ``absorption index (AI) is clearly bimodal in log(AI), with only one mode corresponding to definite BALQSOs. The surprisingly high BALQSO fractions that have recently been inferred from AI-based samples are therefore likely to be overestimated. We then present two new approaches to the classification problem that are designed to be more robust than the AI, but also more complete than the traditional ``balnicity index (BI). Both approaches yield observed BALQSO fractions around 13.5 per cent, while a conservative third approach suggests an upper limit of 18.3 per cent. Finally, we discuss the selection biases that affect our observed BALQSO fraction. After correcting for these biases, we arrive at our final estimate of the intrinsic BALQSO fraction. This is f_BALQSO = 0.17 +/- 0.01 (stat) +/- 0.03 (sys), with an upper limit of f_BALQSO = 0.23. We conclude by pointing out that the bimodality of the log(AI) distribution may be evidence that the BAL-forming region has clearly delineated physical boundaries.
We have examined the physical conditions within a bright emission-line knot in the inner narrow-line region (NLR) of the Seyfert 2 galaxy Mrk 573 using optical spectra and photoionization models. The spectra were obtained with the Hubble Space Telesc ope/Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph with the G430L and G750M gratings. Comparing the spatial emission-line profiles, we found [Fe X] 6734 barely resolved, [O III] 5007 centrally peaked, but broader than [Fe X], and [O II] 3727 the most extended. The spectra reveal that [Fe X] is broader in velocity width and blue-shifted compared with lines from less ionized species. Our estimate of the bolometric luminosity indicates that the active galactic nucleus (AGN) is radiating at or above its Eddington Luminosity, which is consistent with its identification as a hidden Narrow-Line Seyfert 1. We were able to successfully match the observed emission line ratios with a three-component photoionization model. Two components, one to account for the [O III] emission and another in which the [Fe X] arises, are directly ionized by the AGN, while [O II] forms in a third component, which is ionized by a heavily absorbed continuum. Based on our assumed ionizing continuum and the model parameters, we determined that the two directly-ionized components are ~ 55 pc from the AGN. We have found similar radial distances for the central knots in the Seyfert 2 galaxies Mrk 3 and NGC 1068, but much smaller radial distances for the inner NLR in the Seyfert 1 galaxies NGC 4151 and NGC 5548. Although in general agreement with the unified model, these results suggest that the obscuring material in Seyfert galaxies extends out to at least tens of parsecs from the AGN.
136 - Hezhen Liu , B. Luo , W. N. Brandt 2018
We present combined $approx 14-37~rm ks$ Chandra observations of seven $z = 1.6-2.7$ broad absorption line (BAL) quasars selected from the Large Bright Quasar Survey (LBQS). These seven objects are high-ionization BAL (HiBAL) quasars, and they were u ndetected in the Chandra hard band ($2-8$ keV) in previous observations. The stacking analyses of previous Chandra observations suggested that these seven objects likely contain some candidates for intrinsically X-ray weak BAL quasars. With the new Chandra observations, six targets are detected. We calculate their effective power-law photon indices and hard-band flux weakness, and find that two objects, LBQS $1203+1530$ and LBQS $1442-0011$, show soft/steep spectral shapes ($Gamma_{rm eff}= 2.2^{+0.9}_{-0.9}$ and $1.9_{-0.8}^{+0.9}$) and significant X-ray weakness in the hard band (by factors of $approx$ 15 and 12). We conclude that the two HiBAL quasars are good candidates for intrinsically X-ray weak BAL quasars. The mid-infrared-to-UV spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of the two candidates are consistent with those of typical quasars. We constrain the fraction of intrinsically X-ray weak AGNs among HiBAL quasars to be $approx 7-10%$ ($2/29-3/29$), and we estimate it is $approx 6- 23%$ ($2/35-8/35$) among the general BAL quasar population. Such a fraction is considerably larger than the fraction among non-BAL quasars, and we suggest that intrinsically X-ray weak quasars are preferentially observed as BAL quasars. Intrinsically X-ray weak AGNs likely comprise a small minority of the luminous type 1 AGN population, and they should not affect significantly the completeness of these AGNs found in deep X-ray surveys.
We present high S/N UV spectra for eight quasars at $zsim3$ obtained with VLT/FORS. The spectra enable us to analyze in detail the strongest emission features in the rest-frame range 1400-2000 AA of each source (ciii, siiii, aliii, siii, civ and siiv ). Previous work indicates that a component of these lines is emitted in a region with well-defined properties i.e., a high density and low ionization emitting region). Flux ratios aliii/siiii, civ/aliii, siiv/siiii, civ/siiv and siii/siiii for this region permit us to strongly constrain electron density, ionization parameter and metallicity through the use of diagnostic maps built from {sc CLOUDY} simulations. Reliable estimates of the product density times ionization parameter allow us to derive the radius of the broad line region rb from the definition of the ionization parameter. The rb estimate and the assumption of virialized motions in the line emitting gas yields an estimate for black hole mass. We compare our results with estimates obtained from the rb -- luminosity correlation customarily employed to estimate black hole masses of high redshift quasars.
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