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Measures of star formation rates from Infrared (Herschel) and UV (GALEX) emissions of galaxies in the HerMES fields

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 نشر من قبل Veronique Buat
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The reliability of infrared (IR) and ultraviolet (UV) emissions to measure star formation rates in galaxies is investigated for a large sample of galaxies observed with the SPIRE and PACS instruments on Herschel as part of the HerMES project. We build flux-limited 250 micron samples of sources at redshift z<1, cross-matched with the Spitzer/MIPS and GALEX catalogues. About 60 % of the Herschel sources are detected in UV. The total IR luminosities, L_IR, of the sources are estimated using a SED-fitting code that fits to fluxes between 24 and 500 micron. Dust attenuation is discussed on the basis of commonly-used diagnostics: the L_IR/L_UV ratio and the slope, beta, of the UV continuum. A mean dust attenuation A_UV of ~ 3 mag is measured in the samples. L_IR/L_UV is found to correlate with L_IR. Galaxies with L_IR > 10 ^{11} L_sun and 0.5< z<1 exhibit a mean dust attenuation A_UV about 0.7 mag lower than that found for their local counterparts, although with a large dispersion. Our galaxy samples span a large range of beta and L_IR/L_UV values which, for the most part, are distributed between the ranges defined by the relations found locally for starburst and normal star-forming galaxies. As a consequence the recipe commonly applied to local starbursts is found to overestimate the dust attenuation correction in our galaxy sample by a factor ~2-3 .

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We empirically test the relation between the SFR(LIR) derived from the infrared luminosity, LIR, and the SFR(Ha) derived from the Ha emission line luminosity using simple conversion relations. We use a sample of 474 galaxies at z = 0.06 - 0.46 with b oth Ha detection (from 20k zCOSMOS survey) and new far-IR Herschel data (100 and 160 {mu}m). We derive SFR(Ha) from the Ha extinction corrected emission line luminosity. We find a very clear trend between E(B - V) and LIR that allows to estimate extinction values for each galaxy even if the Ha emission line measurement is not reliable. We calculate the LIR by integrating from 8 up to 1000 {mu}m the SED that is best fitting our data. We compare SFR(Ha) with the SFR(LIR). We find a very good agreement between the two SFR estimates, with a slope of m = 1.01 pm 0.03 in the SFR(LIR) vs SFR(Ha) diagram, a normalization constant of a = -0.08 pm 0.03 and a dispersion of sigma = 0.28 dex.We study the effect of some intrinsic properties of the galaxies in the SFR(LIR)-SFR(Ha) relation, such as the redshift, the mass, the SSFR or the metallicity. The metallicity is the parameter that affects most the SFR comparison. The mean ratio of the two SFR estimators log[SFR(LIR)/SFR(Ha)] varies by approx. 0.6 dex from metal-poor to metal-rich galaxies (8.1 < log(O/H) + 12 < 9.2). This effect is consistent with the prediction of a theoretical model for the dust evolution in spiral galaxies. Considering different morphological types, we find a very good agreement between the two SFR indicators for the Sa, Sb and Sc morphologically classified galaxies, both in slope and normalization. For the Sd, irregular sample (Sd/Irr), the formal best-fit slope becomes much steeper (m = 1.62 pm 0.43), but it is still consistent with 1 at the 1.5 sigma level, because of the reduced statistics of this sub-sample.
197 - R. Nordon , D. Lutz , L. Shao 2010
The star formation rate (SFR) is a key parameter in the study of galaxy evolution. The accuracy of SFR measurements at z~2 has been questioned following a disagreement between observations and theoretical models. The latter predict SFRs at this redsh ift that are typically a factor 4 or more lower than the measurements. We present star-formation rates based on calorimetric measurements of the far-infrared (FIR) luminosities for massive 1.5<z<2.5, normal star-forming galaxies (SFGs), which do not depend on extinction corrections and/or extrapolations of spectral energy distributions. The measurements are based on observations in GOODS-N with the Photodetector Array Camera & Spectrometer (PACS) onboard Herschel, as part of the PACS Evolutionary Probe (PEP) project, that resolve for the first time individual SFGs at these redshifts at FIR wavelengths. We compare FIR-based SFRs to the more commonly used 24 micron and UV SFRs. We find that SFRs from 24 micron alone are higher by a factor of ~4-7.5 than the true SFRs. This overestimation depends on luminosity: gradually increasing for log L(24um)>12.2 L_sun. The SFGs and AGNs tend to exhibit the same 24 micron excess. The UV SFRs are in closer agreement with the FIR-based SFRs. Using a Calzetti UV extinction correction results in a mean excess of up to 0.3 dex and a scatter of 0.35 dex from the FIR SFRs. The previous UV SFRs are thus confirmed and the mean excess, while narrowing the gap, is insufficient to explain the discrepancy between the observed SFRs and simulation predictions.
For the first time, we investigate the X-ray/infrared (IR) correlation for star-forming galaxies at z~1, using SPIRE submm data from the recently-launched Herschel Space Observatory and deep X-ray data from the 2Ms Chandra deep field north (CDFN) sur vey. We examine the X-ray/IR correlation in the soft X-ray (SX, 0.5-2 keV) and hard X-ray (HX, 2-10 keV) bands by comparing our z~1 SPIRE-detected star-forming galaxies (SFGs) to equivalently IR-luminous (L_IR >10^10 L_sun) samples in the local/low redshift Universe. Our results suggest that the X-ray/IR properties of the SPIRE SFGs are on average similar to those of their local counterparts, as we find no evidence for evolution in the L_SX/L_IR and L_HX/L_IR ratios with redshift. We note however, that at all redshifts, both L_SX/L_IR and L_HX/L_IR are strongly dependent on IR luminosity, with luminous and ultraluminous infrared galaxies (LIRGs and ULIRGs,L_IR >10^11 L_sun) having up to an order of magnitude lower values than normal infrared galaxies (L_IR <10^11 L_sun). We derive a L_SX-L_IR relation and confirm the applicability of an existing L_HX-L_IR relation for both local and distant LIRGs and ULIRGs, consistent with a scenario where X-ray luminosity is correlated with the star-formation rate (SFR).
Nuclear and starburst activity are known to often occur concomitantly. Herschel-SPIRE provides sampling of the FIR SEDs of type 1 and type 2 AGN, allowing for the separation between the hot dust (torus) and cold dust (starburst) emission. We study la rge samples of spectroscopically confirmed type 1 and type 2 AGN lying within the Herschel Multi-tiered Extragalactic Survey (HerMES) fields observed during the science demonstration phase, aiming to understand their FIR colour distributions and constrain their starburst contributions. We find that one third of the spectroscopically confirmed AGN in the HerMES fields have 5-sigma detections at 250um, in agreement with previous (sub)mm AGN studies. Their combined Spitzer-MIPS and Herschel-SPIRE colours - specifically S(250)/S(70) vs. S(70)/S(24) - quite clearly separate them from the non-AGN, star-forming galaxy population, as their 24-um flux is dominated by the hot torus emission. However, their SPIRE colours alone do not differ from those of non-AGN galaxies. SED fitting shows that all those AGN need a starburst component to fully account for their FIR emission. For objects at z > 2, we find a correlation between the infrared luminosity attributed to the starburst component, L(SB), and the AGN accretion luminosity, L(acc), with L(SB) propto L(acc)^0.35. Type 2 AGN detected at 250um show on average higher L(SB) than type 1 objects but their number is still too low to establish whether this trend indicates stronger star-formation activity.
We compare the average star formation (SF) activity in X-ray selected AGN hosts with mass-matched control inactive galaxies,including star forming and quiescent sources, at 0.5<z<2.5. Recent observations carried out by PACS, the 60-210um Herschel pho tometric camera, in GOODS-S, GOODS-N and COSMOS allow us to unbiasedly estimate the far-IR luminosity, and hence the SF properties, of the two samples. Accurate AGN host stellar masses are measured by decomposing their total emission into the stellar and nuclear components. We find a higher average SF activity in AGN hosts with respect to non-AGNs. The level of SF enhancement is modest (~0.26dex at ~3sigma) at low X-ray luminosities (Lx<~10^43.5erg/s) and more pronounced (0.56dex at >10sigma) for bright AGNs. However, when comparing to star forming galaxies only, AGN hosts are broadly consistent with the locus of their `main sequence. We investigate the relative far-IR luminosity distributions of active and inactive galaxies, and find a higher fraction of PACS detected, hence normal and highly star forming systems among AGN hosts. Although different interpretations are possible, we explain our findings as a consequence of a twofold AGN growth path: faint AGNs evolve through secular processes, with instantaneous AGN accretion not tightly linked to the current total SF in the host, while luminous AGNs co-evolve with their hosts through periods of enhanced AGN activity and SF, possibly through major mergers. While an increased SF with respect to non-AGNs of similar mass is expected in the latter, we interpret the modest SF offsets measured in low-Lx AGN hosts as either a) generated by non-synchronous accretion and SF histories in a merger scenario or b) due to possible connections between instantaneous SF and accretion that can be induced by smaller scale (non-major merger) mechanisms. Far-IR luminosity distributions favour the latter scenario.
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