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On the existence and position of the farthest peaks of a family of stochastic heat and wave equations

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 نشر من قبل Daniel Conus
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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We study a family of non-linear stochastic heat equations in (1+1) dimensions, driven by the generator of a Levy process and space-time white noise. We assume that the underlying Levy process has finite exponential moments in a neighborhood of the origin and that the initial condition has exponential decay at infinity. Then we prove that under natural conditions on the non-linearity: (i) The absolute moments of the solution to our stochastic heat equation grow exponentially with time; and (ii) The distances to the origin of the farthest high peaks of those moments grow exactly linearly with time. Very little else seems to be known about the location of the high peaks of the solution to the non-linear stochastic heat equation under the present setting. Finally, we show that these results extend to the stochastic wave equation driven by Laplacian.

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اقرأ أيضاً

89 - Kunwoo Kim 2015
We consider stochastic heat equations with fractional Laplacian on $mathbb{R}^d$. Here, the driving noise is generalized Gaussian which is white in time but spatially homogenous and the spatial covariance is given by the Riesz kernels. We study the l arge-scale structure of the tall peaks for (i) the linear stochastic heat equation and (ii) the parabolic Anderson model. We obtain the largest order of the tall peaks and compute the macroscopic Hausdorff dimensions of the tall peaks for both (i) and (ii). These results imply that both (i) and (ii) exhibit multi-fractal behavior in a macroscopic scale even though (i) is not intermittent and (ii) is intermittent. This is an extension of a recent result by Khoshnevisan et al to a wider class of stochastic heat equations.
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412 - Marina Kleptsyna 2019
We consider the generic divergence form second order parabolic equation with coefficients that are regular in the spatial variables and just measurable in time. We show that the spatial derivatives of its fundamental solution admit upper bounds that agree with the Aronson type estimate and only depend on the ellipticity constants of the equation and the L $infty$ norm of the spatial derivatives of its coefficients. We also study the corresponding stochastic partial differential equations and prove that under natural assumptions on the noise the equation admits a mild solution, given by anticipating stochastic integration.
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We consider a reaction-diffusion equation of the type [ partial_tpsi = partial^2_xpsi + V(psi) + lambdasigma(psi)dot{W} qquadtext{on $(0,,infty)timesmathbb{T}$}, ] subject to a nice initial value and periodic boundary, where $mathbb{T}=[-1,,1]$ a nd $dot{W}$ denotes space-time white noise. The reaction term $V:mathbb{R}tomathbb{R}$ belongs to a large family of functions that includes Fisher--KPP nonlinearities [$V(x)=x(1-x)$] as well as Allen-Cahn potentials [$V(x)=x(1-x)(1+x)$], the multiplicative nonlinearity $sigma:mathbb{R}tomathbb{R}$ is non random and Lipschitz continuous, and $lambda>0$ is a non-random number that measures the strength of the effect of the noise $dot{W}$. The principal finding of this paper is that: (i) When $lambda$ is sufficiently large, the above equation has a unique invariant measure; and (ii) When $lambda$ is sufficiently small, the collection of all invariant measures is a non-trivial line segment, in particular infinite. This proves an earlier prediction of Zimmerman et al. (2000). Our methods also say a great deal about the structure of these invariant measures.
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