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Equilibrium fluctuation theorems compatible with anomalous response

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 نشر من قبل Luisberis Velazquez-Abad
 تاريخ النشر 2009
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Previously, we have derived a generalization of the canonical fluctuation relation between heat capacity and energy fluctuations $C=beta^{2}<delta U^{2}>$, which is able to describe the existence of macrostates with negative heat capacities $C<0$. In this work, we extend our previous results for an equilibrium situation with several control parameters to account for the existence of states with anomalous values in other response functions. Our analysis leads to the derivation of three different equilibrium fluctuation theorems: the textit{fundamental and the complementary fluctuation theorems}, which represent the generalization of two fluctuation identities already obtained in previous works, and the textit{associated fluctuation theorem}, a result that has no counterpart in the framework of Boltzmann-Gibbs distributions. These results are applied to study the anomalous susceptibility of a ferromagnetic system, in particular, the case of 2D Ising model.

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Irreversibility is usually captured by a comparison between the process that happens and a corresponding reverse process. In the last decades, this comparison has been extensively studied through fluctuation relations. Here we revisit fluctuation rel ations from the standpoint, suggested decades ago by Watanabe, that the comparison should involve the prediction and the retrodiction on the unique process, rather than two processes. We identify a necessary and sufficient condition for a retrodictive reading of a fluctuation relation. The retrodictive narrative also brings to the fore the possibility of deriving fluctuation relations based on various statistical divergences, and clarifies some of the traditional assumptions as arising from the choice of a reference prior.
Fluctuation theorems make use of time reversal to make predictions about entropy production in many-body systems far from thermal equilibrium. Here we review the wide variety of distinct, but interconnected, relations that have been derived and inves tigated theoretically and experimentally. Significantly, we demonstrate, in the context of Markovian stochastic dynamics, how these different fluctuation theorems arise from a simple fundamental time-reversal symmetry of a certain class of observables. Appealing to the notion of Gibbs entropy allows for a microscopic definition of entropy production in terms of these observables. We work with the master equation approach, which leads to a mathematically straightforward proof and provides direct insight into the probabilistic meaning of the quantities involved. Finally, we point to some experiments that elucidate the practical significance of fluctuation relations.
We study Fluctuation Relations (FRs) for dynamics that are anomalous, in the sense that the diffusive properties strongly deviate from the ones of standard Brownian motion. We first briefly review the concept of transient work FRs for stochastic dyna mics modeled by the ordinary Langevin equation. We then introduce three generic types of dynamics generating anomalous diffusion: Levy flights, long-time correlated Gaussian stochastic processes and time-fractional kinetics. By combining Langevin and kinetic approaches we calculate the work probability distributions in the simple nonequilibrium situation of a particle subject to a constant force. This allows us to check the transient FR for anomalous dynamics. We find a new form of FRs, which is intimately related to the validity of fluctuation-dissipation relations. Analogous results are obtained for a particle in a harmonic potential dragged by a constant force. We argue that these findings are important for understanding fluctuations in experimentally accessible systems. As an example, we discuss the anomalous dynamics of biological cell migration both in equilibrium and in nonequilibrium under chemical gradients.
Fluctuation theorems establish deep relations between observables away from thermal equilibrium. Until recently, the research on fluctuation theorems was focused on time-reversal-invariant systems. In this review we address some newly discovered fluc tuation relations that hold without time-reversal symmetry, in particular, in the presence of an external magnetic field. One family of relations connects non-linear transport coefficients in the opposite magnetic fields. Another family relates currents and noises at a fixed direction of the magnetic field in chiral systems, such as the edges of some quantum Hall liquids. We review the recent experimental and theoretical research, including the controversy on the microreversibility without time-reversal symmetry, consider the applications of fluctuation theorems to the physics of topological states of matter, and discuss open problems.
101 - Arnab Pal , Saar Rahav 2017
We study the stochastic thermodynamics of resetting systems. Violation of microreversibility means that the well known derivations of fluctuations theorems break down for dynamics with resetting. Despite that we show that stochastic resetting systems satisfy two integral fluctuation theorems. The first is the Hatano-Sasa relation describing the transition between two steady states. The second integral fluctuation theorem involves a functional that includes both dynamical and thermodynamic contributions. We find that the second law-like inequality found by Fuchs et al. for resetting systems [EPL, 113, (2016)] can be recovered from this integral fluctuation theorem with the help of Jensens inequality.
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