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Space--time fluctuations and the spreading of wavepackets

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 نشر من قبل Ertan G\\\"okl\\\"u
 تاريخ النشر 2009
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Using a density matrix description in space we study the evolution of wavepackets in a fluctuating space-time background. We assume that space-time fluctuations manifest as classical fluctuations of the metric. From the non-relativistic limit of a non-minimally coupled Klein-Gordon equation we derive a Schrodinger equation with an additive gaussian random potential. This is transformed into an effective master equation for the density matrix. The solutions of this master equation allow to study the dynamics of wavepackets in a fluctuating space-time, depending on the fluctuation scenario. We show how different scenarios alter the diffusion properties of wavepackets.

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57 - Giacomo Gradenigo 2021
The symplectic quantization scheme proposed for matter scalar fields in the companion paper Symplectic quantization I is generalized here to the case of space-time quantum fluctuations. Symplectic quantization considers an explicit dependence of the metric tensor $g_{mu u}$ on an additional time variable, named proper time at variance with the coordinate time of relativity. The physical meaning of proper time is to label the sequence of $g_{mu u}$ quantum fluctuations at a given point of the four-dimensional space-time continuum. For this reason symplectic quantization necessarily incorporates a new degree of freedom, the derivative $dot{g}_{mu u}$ of the metric field with respect to proper time, corresponding to the conjugated momentum $pi_{mu u}$. Symplectic quantization describes the quantum fluctuations of gravity by means of the symplectic dynamics generated by a generalized action functional $mathcal{A}[g_{mu u},pi_{mu u}] = mathcal{K}[g_{mu u},pi_{mu u}] - S[g_{mu u}]$, playing formally the role of a Hamilton function, where $S[g_{mu u}]$ is the Einstein-Hilbert action and $mathcal{K}[g_{mu u},pi_{mu u}]$ is a new term including the kinetic degrees of freedom of the field. Such an action allows us to define a pseudo-microcanonical ensemble for the quantum fluctuations of $g_{mu u}$, built on the conservation of the generalized action $mathcal{A}[g_{mu u},pi_{mu u}]$ rather than of energy. $S[g_{mu u}]$ plays the role of a potential term along the symplectic action-preserving dynamics: its fluctuations are the quantum fluctuations of $g_{mu u}$. It is shown how symplectic quantization maps to the path-integral approach to gravity. By doing so we explain how the integration over the conjugated momentum field $pi_{mu u}$ gives rise to a cosmological constant term in the path-integral.
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135 - Michael Maziashvili 2009
A profound quantum-gravitational effect of space-time dimension running with respect to the size of space-time region has been discovered a few years ago through the numerical simulations of lattice quantum gravity in the framework of causal dynamica l triangulation [hep-th/0505113] as well as in renormalization group approach to quantum gravity [hep-th/0508202]. Unfortunately, along these approaches the interpretation and the physical meaning of the effective change of dimension at shorter scales is not clear. The aim of this paper is twofold. First, we find that box-counting dimension in face of finite resolution of space-time (generally implied by quantum gravity) shows a simple way how both the qualitative and the quantitative features of this effect can be understood. Second, considering two most interesting cases of random and holographic fluctuations of the background space, we find that it is random fluctuations that gives running dimension resulting in modification of Newtons inverse square law in a perfect agreement with the modification coming from one-loop gravitational radiative corrections.
74 - Barak Shoshany 2019
We perform a rigorous piecewise-flat discretization of classical general relativity in the first-order formulation, in both 2+1 and 3+1 dimensions, carefully keeping track of curvature and torsion via holonomies. We show that the resulting phase spac e is precisely that of spin networks, the quantum states of discrete spacetime in loop quantum gravity, with additional degrees of freedom called edge modes, which control the gluing between cells. This work establishes, for the first time, a rigorous proof of the equivalence between spin networks and piecewise-flat geometries with curvature and torsion degrees of freedom. In addition, it demonstrates that careful consideration of edge modes is crucial both for the purpose of this proof and for future work in the field of loop quantum gravity. It also shows that spin networks have a dual description related to teleparallel gravity, where gravity is encoded in torsion instead of curvature degrees of freedom. Finally, it sets the stage for collaboration between the loop quantum gravity community and theoretical physicists working on edge modes from other perspectives, such as quantum electrodynamics, non-abelian gauge theories, and classical gravity.
89 - J.W. van Holten 2016
According to General Relativity gravity is the result of the interaction between matter and space-time geometry. In this interaction space-time geometry itself is dynamical: it can store and transport energy and momentum in the form of gravitational waves. We give an introductory account of this phenomenon and discuss how the observation of gravitational waves may open up a fundamentally new window on the universe.
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