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Radio Variability in Seyfert Nuclei

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 نشر من قبل Dr Carole G. Mundell
 تاريخ النشر 2009
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف C.G. Mundell

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Comparison of 8.4-GHz radio images of a sample of 11 early-type Seyfert galaxies with previous observations reveals possible variation in the nuclear radio flux density in 5 of them over a 7-yr period. We find no correlation between radio variability and nuclear radio luminosity or Seyfert nuclear type, although the sample is small and dominated by type 2 Seyferts. Instead, a possible correlation between the presence of nuclear radio variability and the absence of ~100-pc-scale radio emission is seen. NGC2110 is the only source with significant extended radio structure and strong nuclear variability (>38% nuclear decline over seven years). Our results suggest that all Seyferts may exhibit variation in their nuclear radio flux density at 8.4 GHz, but that variability is more easily recognised in compact sources in which emission from the variable nucleus is not diluted by unresolved, constant flux density radio-jet emission within the central ~50 pc. If flares in radio light curves correspond to ejection of new relativistic components or emergence of shocks in the underlying flow, we suggest that radio jets may be intrinsically non-relativistic during quiescence, but that Seyferts, as black-hole driven AGN, have the capacity to accelerate relativistic jets during radio flares. Taken together with the increased detection rate of flat spectrum radio nuclei in Seyferts imaged at VLBI resolutions and the detection of variable water megamaser emission, our results support the paradigm of intermittent periods of quiescence and nuclear outburst across the Seyfert population. (Abridged).

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اقرأ أيضاً

81 - K. E. Gabanyi , A. Moor , S. Frey 2018
Most of the radio-loud narrow-line Seyfert 1 (NLS1) galaxies resemble compact steep-spectrum sources. However, the extremely radio-loud ones show blazar-like characteristics, like flat radio spectra, compact radio cores, substantial variability and h igh brightness temperatures. These objects are thought to be similar to blazars as they possess relativistic jets seen at small angle to the line of sight. This claim has been further supported by the Fermi satellite discovery of gamma-ray emission from a handful of these sources. Using the Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) data, we analyzed the mid-infrared variability characteristics of $42$ radio-loud NLS1 at $3.4$ and $4.6,mu$m. We found that $27$ out of the studied $42$ sources showed variability in at least one of the two infrared bands. In some cases, significant changes in the infrared colors can alter the location of the source in the WISE color-color diagram which might lead to different classification. More than $60$% of the variable sources also showed variability within a $1-1.5$ day interval. Such short time scales argue for a compact emission region like those associated with the jets. This connection is further strengthened by the fact that the brightest $gamma$-ray emitters of the sample ($6$ sources), all showed short time scale infrared variability.
The AGN NGC 2110 presents a peculiar case among the Seyfert 2 galaxies, as it displays also features of radio-loud objects and is classified as FR-I radio galaxy. Here we analyse simultaneous INTEGRAL and Swift data taken in 2008 and 2009. We reconst ruct the spectral energy distribution in order to provide further insight. The combined X-ray spectrum is well represented by an absorbed cut-off power law model plus soft excess. Combining all available data, the spectrum appears flat (photon index 1.25 +- 0.04) with the high-energy cut-off being at 82 +- 9 keV. The intrinsic absorption is moderate (NH = 4E22 1/cm**2), the iron K-alpha line is weak (EW = 114 eV), and no reflection component is detected in the INTEGRAL spectrum. The data indicate that the X-ray spectrum is moderately variable both in flux and spectral shape. The 2008 spectrum is slightly steeper (photon index 1.5, Ec = 90 keV) with the source being brighter, and flatter in 2009 (photon index 1.4, Ec = 120 keV) in the lower flux state. The spectral energy distribution gives a bolometric luminosity of L = 2E44 erg/sec. NGC 2110 appears to be a borderline object between radio loud narrow line Seyfert 1 and radio quiet Seyfert 2. Its spectral energy distribution might indeed be dominated by non-thermal emission arising from the jet.
We present intensive quasi-simultaneous X-ray and radio monitoring of the narrow line Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 4051, over a 16 month period in 2000-2001. Observations were made with the Rossi Timing X-ray Explorer (RXTE) and the Very Large Array (VLA) at 8.4 and 4.8 GHz. In the X-ray band NGC 4051 behaves much like a Galactic black hole binary (GBH) system in a `soft-state. In such systems, there has so far been no firm evidence for an active, radio-emitting jet like those found in `hard state GBHs. VLBI observations of NGC 4051 show three co-linear compact components. This structure resembles the core and outer hot spots seen in powerful, jet-dominated, extragalactic radio sources and suggests the existence of a weak jet. Radio monitoring of the core of NGC 4051 is complicated by the presence of surrounding extended emission and by the changing array configurations of the VLA. Only in the A configuration is the core reasonably resolved. We have carefully removed the contaminations of the core by extended emission in the various arrays. The resulting lightcurve shows no sign of large amplitude variability (i.e. factor 50 %) over the 16 month period. Within the most sensitive configuration (A array) we see marginal evidence for radio core variability of ~25% (~0.12 mJy at 8.4GHz) on a 2-week timescale, correlated with X-ray variations. Even if the radio variations in NGC 4051 are real, the percentage variability is much less than in the X-ray band. Within the B configuration observations, where sensitivity is reduced, there is no sign of correlated X-ray/radio variability. The lack of radio variability in NGC 4051, which we commonly see in `hard state GBHs, may be explained by orientation effects. Another possibility is that the radio emission arises from the X-ray corona, although the linear structure of the compact radio components here is hard to explain.
We present our discovery of dramatic variability in SDSS J1100+4421 by the high-cadence transient survey Kiso Supernova Survey (KISS). The source brightened in the optical by at least a factor of three within about half a day. Spectroscopic observati ons suggest that this object is likely a narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy (NLS1) at z=0.840, however with unusually strong narrow emission lines. The estimated black hole mass of ~ 10^7 Msun implies bolometric nuclear luminosity close to the Eddington limit. SDSS J1100+4421 is also extremely radio-loud, with a radio loudness parameter of R ~ 4 x 10^2 - 3 x 10^3, which implies the presence of relativistic jets. Rapid and large-amplitude optical variability of the target, reminiscent of that found in a few radio- and gamma-ray loud NLS1s, is therefore produced most likely in a blazar-like core. The 1.4 GHz radio image of the source shows an extended structure with a linear size of about 100 kpc. If SDSS J1100+4421 is a genuine NLS1, as suggested here, this radio structure would then be the largest ever discovered in this type of active galaxies.
152 - Y. L. Ai , W. Yuan , H. Zhou 2013
The ensemble optical/ultraviolet variability of narrow-line Seyfert 1 (NLS1) type active galactic nuclei (AGNs) is investigated, based on a sample selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Stripe-82 region with multi-epoch photometric scannin g data. As a comparison a control sample of broad-line Seyfert 1 (BLS1) type AGNs is also incorporated. To quantify properly the intrinsic variation amplitudes and their uncertainties, a novel method of parametric maximum-likelihood is introduced, that has, as we argued, certain virtues over previously used methods. The majority of NLS1-type AGNs exhibit significant variability on timescales from about ten days to a few years with, however, on average smaller amplitudes compared to BLS1-type AGNs. About 20 NLS1- type AGNs showing relatively large variations are presented, that may deserve future monitoring observations, for instance, reverberation mapping. The averaged structure functions of variability, constructed using the same maximumlikelihood method, show remarkable similarity in shape for the two types of AGNs on timescales longer than about 10 days, which can be approximated by a power-law or an exponential function. This, along with other similar properties, such as the wavelength-dependent variability, are indicative of a common dominant mechanism responsible for the long-term optical/UV variability of both NLS1- and BLS1-type AGNs. Towards the short timescales, however, there is tentative evidence that the structure function of NLS1-type AGNs continues declining, whereas that of BLS1-type AGNs flattens with some residual variability on timescales of days. If this can be confirmed, it may suggest that an alternative mechanism, such as X-ray reprocessing, starts to become dominating in BLS1-type AGNs, but not in NLS1-, on such timescales.
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