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Direct measurement of the nonconservative force field generated by optical tweezers

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 نشر من قبل Pinyu Wu
 تاريخ النشر 2009
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The force field of optical tweezers is commonly assumed to be conservative, neglecting the complex action of the scattering force. Using a novel method that extracts local forces from trajectories of an optically trapped particle, we measure the three dimensional force field experienced by a Rayleigh particle with 10 nm spatial resolution and femtonewton precision in force. We find that the force field is nonconservative with the nonconservative component increasing radially away from the optical axis, in agreement with the Gaussian beam model of the optical trap. Together with thermal position fluctuations of the trapped particle, the presence of the nonconservative force can cause a complex flux of energy into the optical trap depending on the experimental conditions.

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اقرأ أيضاً

Viscosity is an important property of out-of-equilibrium systems such as active biological materials and driven non-Newtonian fluids, and for fields ranging from biomaterials to geology, energy technologies and medicine. However, noninvasive viscosit y measurements typically require integration times of seconds. Here we demonstrate a four orders-of-magnitude improvement in speed, down to twenty microseconds, with uncertainty dominated by fundamental thermal noise for the first time. We achieve this using the instantaneous velocity of a trapped particle in an optical tweezer. To resolve the instantaneous velocity we develop a structured-light detection system that allows particle tracking with megahertz bandwidths. Our results translate viscosity from a static averaged property, to one that may be dynamically tracked on the timescales of active dynamics. This opens a pathway to new discoveries in out-of-equilibrium systems, from the fast dynamics of phase transitions, to energy dissipation in motor molecule stepping, to violations of fluctuation laws of equilibrium thermodynamics.
We propose to use optical tweezers to probe the Casimir interaction between microspheres inside a liquid medium for geometric aspect ratios far beyond the validity of the widely employed proximity force approximation. This setup has the potential for revealing unprecedented features associated to the non-trivial role of the spherical curvatures. For a proof of concept, we measure femtonewton double layer forces between polystyrene microspheres at distances above $400$ nm by employing very soft optical tweezers, with stiffness of the order of fractions of a fN/nm. As a future application, we propose to tune the Casimir interaction between a metallic and a polystyrene microsphere in saline solution from attraction to repulsion by varying the salt concentration. With those materials, the screened Casimir interaction may have a larger magnitude than the unscreened one. This line of investigation has the potential for bringing together different fields including classical and quantum optics, statistical physics and colloid science, while paving the way for novel quantitative applications of optical tweezers in cell and molecular biology.
48 - C. R. Knutson , J. Plewa 2005
A method for forming permanent three dimensional structures from colloidal particles using holographic optical trapping is described. Holographic optical tweezers (HOT) are used to selectively position charge stabilized colloidal particles within a f low cell. Once the particles are in the desired location an electrolyte solution is pumped into the cell which reduces the Debye length and induces aggregation caused by the van der Waals attraction. This technique allows for the formation of three dimensional structures both on and away from the substrate that can be removed from solution without the aid of critical point drying. This technique is inexpensive, fast, and versatile as it relies on forces acting on almost all colloidal suspensions.
By exerting mechanical force it is possible to unfold/refold RNA molecules one at a time. In a small range of forces, an RNA molecule can hop between the folded and the unfolded state with force-dependent kinetic rates. Here, we introduce a mesoscopi c model to analyze the hopping kinetics of RNA hairpins in an optical tweezers setup. The model includes different elements of the experimental setup (beads, handles and RNA sequence) and limitations of the instrument (time lag of the force-feedback mechanism and finite bandwidth of data acquisition). We investigated the influence of the instrument on the measured hopping rates. Results from the model are in good agreement with the experiments reported in the companion article (1). The comparison between theory and experiments allowed us to infer the values of the intrinsic molecular rates of the RNA hairpin alone and to search for the optimal experimental conditions to do the measurements. We conclude that long handles and soft laser traps represent the best conditions to extract rate estimates that are closest to the intrinsic molecular rates. The methodology and rationale presented here can be applied to other experimental setups and other molecules.
We have developed a new in situ method to calibrate optical tweezers experiments and simultaneously measure the size of the trapped particle or the viscosity of the surrounding fluid. The positional fluctuations of the trapped particle are recorded w ith a high-bandwidth photodetector. Next, we compute the mean-square displacement, as well as the velocity autocorrelation function of the sphere and compare it to the theory of Brownian motion including hydrodynamic memory effects. A careful measurement and analysis of the time scales characterizing the dynamics of the harmonically bound sphere fluctuating in a viscous medium then directly yields all relevant parameters. Finally, we test the method for different optical trap strengths, with different bead sizes and in different fluids, and we find excellent agreement with the values provided by the manufacturers. The proposed approach overcomes the most commonly encountered limitations in precision when analyzing the power spectrum of position fluctuations in the region around the corner frequency. These low frequencies are usually prone to errors due to drift, limitations in the detection and trap linearity as well as short acquisition times resulting in poor statistics. Furthermore, the strategy can be generalized to Brownian motion in more complex environments, provided the adequate theories are available.
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