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Quasiparticle and quasihole states of nuclei around 56Ni

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 نشر من قبل Carlo Barbieri
 تاريخ النشر 2009
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف C. Barbieri

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The single-particle spectral function of 56Ni has been computed within the framework of self-consistent Greens functions theory. The Faddeev random phase approximation method and the G-matrix technique are used to account for the effects of long- and short-range physics on the spectral distribution. Large scale calculations have been performed in spaces including up to ten oscillator shells. The chiral N3LO interaction is used together with a monopole correction that accounts for eventual missing three-nucleon forces. The single-particle energies associated with nucleon transfer to valence 1p0f orbits are found to be almost converged with respect to both the size of the model space and the oscillator frequency. The results support that 56Ni is a good doubly magic nucleus. The absolute spectroscopic factors to the valence states on A=55,57 are also obtained. For the transition between the ground states of 57Ni and 56Ni, the calculations nicely agree with heavy-ion knockout experiments.

قيم البحث

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We present a new analysis of the pairing vibrations around 56Ni, with emphasis on odd-odd nuclei. This analysis of the experimental excitation energies is based on the subtraction of average properties that include the full symmetry energy together w ith volume, surface and Coulomb terms. The results clearly indicate a collective behavior of the isovector pairing vibrations and do not support any appreciable collectivity in the isoscalar channel.
We have performed self-consistent Skyrme Hartree-Fock-Bogolyubov calculations for nuclei close to $^{254}$No. Self-consistent deformations, including $beta_{2,4,6,8}$ as functions of the rotational frequency, were determined for even-even nuclei $^{2 46,248,250}$Fm, $^{252,254}$No, and $^{256}$Rf. The quasiparticle spectra for N=151 isotones and Z=99 isotopes were calculated and compared with experimental data and the results of Woods-Saxon calculations. We found that our calculations give high-order deformations similar to those obtained for the Woods-Saxon potential, and that the experimental quasiparticle energies are reasonably well reproduced.
Evidence of strong coupling of quasiparticle excitations with gamma-vibration is shown to occur in transitional nuclei. High-spin band structures in [166,168,170,172]Er are studied by employing the recently developed multi-quasiparticle triaxial proj ected shell model approach. It is demonstrated that a low-lying K=3 band observed in these nuclei, the nature of which has remained unresolved, originates from the angular-momentum projection of triaxially deformed two-quasiparticle (qp) configurations. Further, it is predicted that the structure of this band depends critically on the shell filling: in [166]Er the lowest K=3 2-qp band is formed from proton configuration, in [168]Er the K=3 neutron and proton 2-qp bands are almost degenerate, and for [170]Er and [172]Er the neutron K=3 2-qp band becomes favored and can cross the gamma-vibrational band at high rotational frequencies. We consider that these are few examples in even-even nuclei, where the three basic modes of rotational, vibrational, and quasi-particle excitations co-exist close to the yrast line.
A measurement of the 56Ni cosmic ray abundance has been discussed as a possible tool to determine the acceleration time scale of relativistic particles in cosmic rays. This conjecture will depend on the halflife of totally ionized 56Ni which can only decay by higher-order forbidden transitions. We have calculated this halflife within large-scale shell model calculations and find t_{1/2} approx 4 times 10^4 years, only slightly larger than the currently available experimental lower limit, but too short for 56Ni to serve as a cosmic ray chronometer.
Neutron-rich nuclei in the vicinity of the $N=40$ island of inversion are characterized by shell evolution and exhibit deformed ground states. In several nuclei isomeric states have been observed and attributed to excitations to the intruder neutron $1g_{9/2}$ orbital. In the present study we searched for isomeric states in nuclei around $N=40$, $Z=22$ produced by projectile fragmentation at RIBF. Delayed $gamma$ rays were detected by the EURICA germanium detector array. High statistics data allowed for an updated decay scheme of $^{60}$V. The lifetime of an isomeric state in $^{64}$V was measured for the first time in the present experiment. A previously unobserved isomeric state was discovered in $^{58}$Sc. The measured lifetime suggests a parity changing transition, originating from an odd number of neutrons in the $1g_{9/2}$ orbital. The nature of the isomeric state in $^{58}$Sc is thus different from isomers in the less exotic V and Sc nuclei.
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