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Dipole emission and coherent transport in random media I

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 نشر من قبل Manuel Donaire
 تاريخ النشر 2009
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف M. Donaire

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This is the first of a series of papers devoted to develop a microscopical approach to the dipole emission process and its relation to coherent transport in random media. In this Letter, we deduce general expressions for the decay rate of spontaneous emitters and the power emission of induced dipoles embedded in homogenous dielectric media. We derive formulae which apply generically to virtual cavities and, in the continuum approximation, to small real cavities.

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137 - M. Donaire 2009
This is the second of a series of papers devoted to develop a microscopical approach to the dipole emission process and its relation to coherent transport in random media. In this Letter, we deduce a relation between the transverse decay rate of an e mitter in a virtual cavity and the complex refraction index of the host medium. We argue on the possibility of a criterion for inhibition/enhancement of spontaneous emission in function of the transition frequency and the correlation length of the host scatterers. In addition, we study the radiative/non-radiative nature of the net power emission through a microscopical analysis of the scattering events involved. This study reveals essential discrepancies with previous interpretations.
The optics of correlated disordered media is a fascinating research topic emerging at the interface between the physics of waves in complex media and nanophotonics. Inspired by photonic structures in nature and enabled by advances in nanofabrication processes, recent investigations have unveiled how the design of structural correlations down to the subwavelength scale could be exploited to control the scattering, transport and localization of light in matter. From optical transparency to superdiffusive light transport to photonic gaps, the optics of correlated disordered media challenges our physical intuition and offers new perspectives for applications. This article reviews the theoretical foundations, state-of-the-art experimental techniques and major achievements in the study of light interaction with correlated disorder, covering a wide range of systems -- from short-range correlated photonic liquids, to Levy glasses containing fractal heterogeneities, to hyperuniform disordered photonic materials. The mechanisms underlying light scattering and transport phenomena are elucidated on the basis of rigorous theoretical arguments. We overview the exciting ongoing research on mesoscopic phenomena, such as transport phase transitions and speckle statistics, and the current development of disorder engineering for applications such as light-energy management and visual appearance design. Special efforts are finally made to identify the main theoretical and experimental challenges to address in the near future.
The newly emerging field of wave front shaping in complex media has recently seen enormous progress. The driving force behind these advances has been the experimental accessibility of the information stored in the scattering matrix of a disordered me dium, which can nowadays routinely be exploited to focus light as well as to image or to transmit information even across highly turbid scattering samples. We will provide an overview of these new techniques, of their experimental implementations as well as of the underlying theoretical concepts following from mesoscopic scattering theory. In particular, we will highlight the intimate connections between quantum transport phenomena and the scattering of light fields in disordered media, which can both be described by the same theoretical concepts. We also put particular emphasis on how the above topics relate to application-oriented research fields such as optical imaging, sensing and communication.
Hyperuniform disordered photonic materials (HDPM) are spatially correlated dielectric structures with unconventional optical properties. They can be transparent to long-wavelength radiation while at the same time have isotropic band gaps in another f requency range. This phenomenon raises fundamental questions concerning photon transport through disordered media. While optical transparency is robust against recurrent multiple scattering, little is known about other transport regimes like diffusive multiple scattering or Anderson localization. Here we investigate band gaps, and we report Anderson localization in two-dimensional stealthy HDPM using numerical simulations of the density of states and optical transport statistics. To establish a unified view, we propose a transport phase diagram. Our results show that, depending only on the degree of correlation, a dielectric material can transition from localization behavior to a bandgap crossing an intermediate regime dominated by tunneling between weakly coupled states.
High-quality crystals without inversion symmetry are the conventional platform to achieve optical frequency conversion via three wave-mixing. In bulk crystals, efficient wave-mixing relies on phase-matching configurations, while at the micro- and nan o-scale it requires resonant mechanisms that enhance the nonlinear light-matter interaction. These strategies commonly result in wavelength-specific performances and narrowband applications. Disordered photonic materials, made up of a random assembly of optical nonlinear crystals, enable a broadband tunability in the random quasi-phase-matching (RQPM) regime and do not require high-quality materials. Here, we combine resonances and disorder by implementing RQPM in Mie-resonant spheres of a few microns realized by the bottom-up assembly of barium titanate nano-crystals. The measured second harmonic generation (SHG) reveals a combination of broadband and resonant wave mixing, in which Mie resonances drive and enhance the SHG, while the disorder keeps the phase-matching conditions relaxed. This new phase-matching regime can be described by a random walk in the SHG complex plane whose step lengths depend on the local field enhancement within the micro-sphere. Our nano-crystals assemblies provide new opportunities for tailored phase-matching at the micro-scale, beyond the coherence length of the bulk crystal. They can be adapted to achieve frequency conversion from the near-ultraviolet to the infrared ranges, they are low-cost and scalable to large surface areas.
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