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Finite temperature coherence of the ideal Bose gas in an optical lattice

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 نشر من قبل Gevorg Muradyan
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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In current experiments with cold quantum gases in periodic potentials, interference fringe contrast is typically the easiest signal in which to look for effects of non-trivial many-body dynamics. In order better to calibrate such measurements, we analyse the background effect of thermal decoherence as it occurs in the absence of dynamical interparticle interactions. We study the effect of optical lattice potentials, as experimentally applied, on the condensed fraction of a non-interacting Bose gas in local thermal equilibrium at finite temperatures. We show that the experimentally observed decrease of the condensate fraction in the presence of the lattice can be attributed, up to a threshold lattice height, purely to ideal gas thermodynamics; conversely we confirm that sharper decreases in first-order coherence observed in stronger lattices are indeed attributable to many-body physics. Our results also suggest that the fringe visibility kinks observed in F.Gerbier et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 050404 (2005) may be explained in terms of the competition between increasing lattice strength and increasing mean gas density, as the gaussian profile of the red-detuned lattice lasers also increases the effective strength of the harmonic trap.

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We conduct a rigorous investigation into the thermodynamic instability of ideal Bose gas confined in a cubic box, without assuming thermodynamic limit nor continuous approximation. Based on the exact expression of canonical partition function, we per form numerical computations up to the number of particles one million. We report that if the number of particles is equal to or greater than a certain critical value, which turns out to be 7616, the ideal Bose gas subject to Dirichlet boundary condition reveals a thermodynamic instability. Accordingly we demonstrate - for the first time - that, a system consisting of finite number of particles can exhibit a discontinuous phase transition featuring a genuine mathematical singularity, provided we keep not volume but pressure constant. The specific number, 7616 can be regarded as a characteristic number of cube that is the geometric shape of the box.
235 - A. Deppman , J. A. S. Lima 2021
The underlying connection between the degrees of freedom of a system and its nonextensive thermodynamic behavior is addressed. The problem is handled by starting from a thermodynamical system with fractal structure and its analytical reduction to a f inite ideal gas. In the limit where the thermofractal has no internal structure, it is found that it reproduces the basic properties of a nonextensive ideal gas with a finite number of particles as recently discussed (Lima & Deppman, Phys. Rev. E 101, 040102(R) 2020). In particular, the entropic $q$-index is calculated in terms of the number of particles both for the nonrelativistic and relativistic cases. In light of such results, the possible nonadditivity or additivity of the entropic structures are also critically analysed and new expressions to the entropy (per particle) for a composed system of thermofractals and its limiting case are derived.
80 - Sougato Bose 2006
We show how the remotest sites of a finite lattice can be entangled, with the amount of entanglement exceeding that of a singlet, solely through the dynamics of an ideal Bose gas in a special initial state in the lattice. When additional occupation n umber measurements are made on the intermediate lattice sites, then the amount of entanglement and the length of the lattice separating the entangled sites can be significantly enhanced. The entanglement generated by this dynamical procedure is found to be higher than that for the ground state of an ideal Bose gas in the same lattice. A second dynamical evolution is shown to verify the existence of these entangled states, as well entangle qubits belonging to well separated quantum registers.
We find universal structure and scaling of BEC statistics and thermodynamics for mesoscopic canonical-ensemble ideal gas in a trap for any parameters, including critical region. We identify universal constraint-cut-off mechanism that makes BEC fluctu ations non-Gaussian and is responsible for critical phenomena. Main result is analytical solution to problem of critical phenomena. It is derived by calculating universal distribution of noncondensate occupation (Landau function) and then universal functions for physical quantities. We find asymptotics of that solution and its approximations which describe universal structure of critical region in terms of parabolic cylinder or confluent hypergeometric functions. Results for order parameter, statistics, and thermodynamics match known asymptotics outside critical region. We suggest 2-level and 3-level trap models and find their exact solutions in terms of cut-off negative binomial distribution (that tends to cut-off gamma distribution in continuous limit) and confluent hypergeometric distribution. We introduce a regular refinement scheme for condensate statistics approximations on the basis of infrared universality of higher-order cumulants and method of superposition and show how to model BEC statistics in actual traps. We find that 3-level trap model with matching the first 4 or 5 cumulants is enough to yield remarkably accurate results in whole critical region. We derive exact multinomial expansion for noncondensate occupation distribution and find its high temperature asymptotics (Poisson distribution). We demonstrate that critical exponents and a few known terms of Taylor expansion of universal functions, calculated previously from fitting finite-size simulations within renorm-group theory, can be obtained from presented solutions.
We consider an ideal Bose gas contained in a cylinder in three spatial dimensions, subjected to a uniform gravitational field. It has been claimed by some authors that there is discrepancy between the semi-classical and quantum calculations in the th ermal properties of such a system. To check this claim, we calculate the heat capacity and isothermal compressibility of this system semi-classically as well as from the quantum spectrum of the density of states. The quantum calculation is done for a finite number of particles. We find good agreement between the two calculations when the number of particles are taken to be large. We also find that this system has the same thermal properties as an ideal five dimensional Bose gas.
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