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Experimental demonstration of deterministic one-way quantum computing on a NMR quantum computer

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 نشر من قبل Jiangfeng Du
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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One-way quantum computing is an important and novel approach to quantum computation. By exploiting the existing particle-particle interactions, we report the first experimental realization of the complete process of deterministic one-way quantum Deutsch-Josza algorithm in NMR, including graph state preparation, single-qubit measurements and feed-forward corrections. The findings in our experiment may shed light on the future scalable one-way quantum computation.

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اقرأ أيضاً

One-way quantum computing is a promising candidate for fault-tolerant quantum computing. Here, we propose new protocols to realize a deterministic one-way CNOT gate and one-way $X$-rotations on quantum-computing platforms. By applying a delayed-choic e scheme, we overcome a limit of most currently available quantum computers, which are unable to implement further operations on measured qubits or operations conditioned on measurement results from other qubits. Moreover, we decrease the error rate of the one-way logic gates, compared to the original protocol using local operations and classical communication (LOCC). In addition, we apply our deterministic one-way CNOT gate in the Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm to show the feasibility of our proposal. We demonstrate all these one-way gates and algorithms by running experiments on the cloud quantum-computing platform IBM Quantum Experience.
We report the characterization of a universal set of logic gates for one-way quantum computing using a four-photon `star cluster state generated by fusing photons from two independent photonic crystal fibre sources. We obtain a fidelity for the clust er state of 0.66 +/- 0.01 with respect to the ideal case. We perform quantum process tomography to completely characterize a controlled-NOT, Hadamard and T gate all on the same compact entangled resource. Together, these operations make up a universal set of gates such that arbitrary quantum logic can be efficiently constructed from combinations of them. We find process fidelities with respect to the ideal cases of 0.64 +/- 0.01 for the CNOT, 0.67 +/- 0.03 for the Hadamard and 0.76 +/- 0.04 for the T gate. The characterisation of these gates enables the simulation of larger protocols and algorithms. As a basic example, we simulate a Swap gate consisting of three concatenated CNOT gates. Our work provides some pragmatic insights into the prospects for building up to a fully scalable and fault-tolerant one-way quantum computer with photons in realistic conditions.
We experimentally test quantum contextuality of a single qutrit using NMR. The contextuality inequalities based on nine observables developed by Kurzynski et. al. are first reformulated in terms of traceless observables which can be measured in an NM R experiment. These inequalities reveal the contextuality of almost all single-qutrit states. We demonstrate the violation of the inequality on four different initial states of a spin-1 deuterium nucleus oriented in a liquid crystal matrix, and follow the violation as the states evolve in time. We also describe and experimentally perform a single-shot test of contextuality for a subclass of qutrit states whose density matrix is diagonal in the energy basis.
185 - Hongwei Chen , Dawei Lu , Bo Chong 2011
The method of quantum cloning is divided into two main categories: approximate and probabilistic quantum cloning. The former method is used to approximate an unknown quantum state deterministically, and the latter can be used to faithfully copy the s tate probabilistically. So far, many approximate cloning machines have been experimentally demonstrated, but probabilistic cloning remains an experimental challenge, as it requires more complicated networks and a higher level of precision control. In this work, we designed an efficient quantum network with a limited amount of resources, and performed the first experimental demonstration of probabilistic quantum cloning in an NMR quantum computer. In our experiment, the optimal cloning efficiency proposed by Duan and Guo [Phys. Rev. Lett. textbf{80}, 4999 (1998)] is achieved.
Using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) techniques with three-qubit sample, we have experimentally implemented the highly structured algorithm for the 1-SAT problem proposed by Hogg. A simplified temporal averaging procedure was employed to the three- qubit spin pseudo-pure state. The algorithm was completed with only a single evaluation of structure of the problem and the solutions were found with probability 100%, which outperform both unstructured quantum and the best classical search algorithm.
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