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Proper projective collineation in non-static spherically symmetric space-times

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 نشر من قبل Shabbir Ghulam
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We investigate the proper projective collineation in non-static spherically symmetric space-times using direct integration and algebraic techniques. Studying projective collineation in the above space-times, it is shown that the space-times which admit proper projective collineations turn out to be very special classes of static spherically symmetric space-times.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

The complete analytical solutions of the geodesic equation of massive test particles in higher dimensional Schwarzschild, Schwarzschild-(anti)de Sitter, Reissner-Nordstroem and Reissner-Nordstroem-(anti)de Sitter space--times are presented. Using the Jacobi inversion problem restricted to the theta divisor the explicit solution is given in terms of Kleinian sigma functions. The derived orbits depend on the structure of the roots of the characteristic polynomials which depend on the particles energy and angular momentum, on the mass and the charge of the gravitational source, and the cosmological constant. We discuss the general structure of the orbits and show that due to the specific dimension-independent form of the angular momentum and the cosmological force a rich variety of orbits can emerge only in four and five dimensions. We present explicit analytical solutions for orbits up to 11 dimensions. A particular feature of Reissner--Nordstroem space-times is that bound and escape orbits traverse through different universes.
We analyse the vacuum static spherically symmetric space-time for a specific class of non-conservative theories of gravity based on the Rastalls theory. We obtain a new vacuum solution which has the same structure as the Schwarzschild-de Sitter solut ion in the General Relativity theory obtained with a cosmological constant playing the r^ole of source. We further discuss the structure (in particular, the coupling to matter fields) and some cosmological aspects of the underline non-conservative theory
In this paper is discussed a class of static spherically symmetric solutions of the general relativistic elasticity equations. The main point of discussion is the comparison of two matter models given in terms of their stored energy functionals, i.e. , the rule which gives the amount of energy stored in the system when it is deformed. Both functionals mimic (and for small deformations approximate) the classical Kirchhoff-St.Venant materials but differ in the strain variable used. We discuss the behavior of the systems for large deformations.
83 - Chao Zhang , Xiang Zhao , Kai Lin 2020
In this paper, we systematically study spherically symmetric static spacetimes in the framework of Einstein-aether theory, and pay particular attention to the existence of black holes (BHs). In the present studies we first clarify several subtle issu es. In particular, we find that, out of the five non-trivial field equations, only three are independent, so the problem is well-posed, as now generically there are only three unknown functions, {$F(r), B(r), A(r)$, where $F$ and $B$ are metric coefficients, and $A$ describes the aether field.} In addition, the two second-order differential equations for $A$ and $F$ are independent of $B$, and once they are found, $B$ is given simply by an algebraic expression of $F,; A$ and their derivatives. To simplify the problem further, we explore the symmetry of field redefinitions, and work first with the redefined metric and aether field, and then obtain the physical ones by the inverse transformations. These clarifications significantly simplify the computational labor, which is important, as the problem is highly involved mathematically. In fact, it is exactly because of these, we find various numerical BH solutions with an accuracy that is at least two orders higher than previous ones. More important, these BH solutions are the only ones that satisfy the self-consistent conditions and meantime are consistent with all the observational constraints obtained so far. The locations of universal horizons are also identified, together with several other observationally interesting quantities, such as the innermost stable circular orbits (ISCO), the ISCO frequency, and the maximum redshift $z_{max}$ of a photon emitted by a source orbiting the ISCO. All of these quantities are found to be quite close to their relativistic limits.
The measurement of the epicyclic frequencies is a widely used astrophysical technique to infer information on a given self-gravitating system and on the related gravity background. We derive their explicit expressions in static and spherically symmet ric wormhole spacetimes. We discuss how these theoretical results can be applied to: (1) detect the presence of a wormhole, distinguishing it by a black hole; (2) reconstruct wormhole solutions through the fit of the observational data, once we have them. Finally, we discuss the physical implications of our proposed epicyclic method.
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