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Partial Translation Algebras for Trees

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 نشر من قبل Graham A. Niblo
 تاريخ النشر 2008
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In arXiv:math/0603621 we introduced the notion of a partial translation $C^*$-algebra for a discrete metric space. Here we demonstrate that several important classical $C^*$-algebras and extensions arise naturally by considering partial translation algebras associated with subspaces of trees.

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For a finite, strongly connected $k$-graph $Lambda$, an Huef, Laca, Raeburn and Sims studied the KMS states associated to the preferred dynamics of the $k$-graph $C^*$-algebra $C^*(Lambda)$. They found that these KMS states are determined by the peri odicity of $Lambda$ and a certain Borel probability measure $M$ on the infinite path space $Lambda^infty$ of $Lambda$. Here we consider different dynamics on $C^*(Lambda)$, which arise from a functor $y: Lambda to mathbb{R}_+$ and were first proposed by McNamara in his thesis. We show that the KMS states associated to McNamaras dynamics are again parametrized by the periodicity group of $Lambda$ and a family of Borel probability measures on the infinite path space. Indeed, these measures also arise as Hausdorff measures on $Lambda^infty$, and the associated Hausdorff dimension is intimately linked to the inverse temperatures at which KMS states exist. Our construction of the metrics underlying the Hausdorff structure uses the functors $y: Lambda to mathbb{R}_+$; the stationary $k$-Bratteli diagram associated to $Lambda$; and the concept of exponentially self-similar weights on Bratteli diagrams.
72 - Adam Dor-On 2015
We continue the study of isomorphisms of tensor algebras associated to a C*-correspondences in the sense of Muhly and Solel. Inspired by by recent work of Davidson, Ramsey and Shalit, we solve isomorphism problems for tensor algebras arising from wei ghted partial dynamical systems. We provide complete bounded / isometric classification results for tensor algebras arising from weighted partial systems, both in terms of the C*-correspondences associated to them, and in terms of the original dynamics. We use this to show that the isometric isomorphism and algebraic / bounded isomorphism problems are two distinct problems, that require separate criteria to be solved. Our methods yield alternative proofs to classification results for Peters semi-crossed product due to Davidson and Katsoulis and for multiplicity-free graph tensor algebras due to Katsoulis, Kribs and Solel.
A partial action is associated with a normal weakly left resolving labelled space such that the crossed product and labelled space $C^*$-algebras are isomorphic. An improved characterization of simplicity for labelled space $C^*$-algebras is given and applied to $C^*$-algebras of subshifts.
181 - Debashish Goswami 2012
We formulate a definition of isometric action of a compact quantum group (CQG) on a compact metric space, generalizing Banicas definition for finite metric spaces. For metric spaces $(X,d)$ which can be isometrically embedded in some Euclidean space, we prove the existence of a universal object in the category of the compact quantum groups acting isometrically on $(X,d)$. In fact, our existence theorem applies to a larger class, namely for any compact metric space $(X,d)$ which admits a one-to-one continuous map $f : X raro IR^n$ for some $n$ such that $d_0(f(x),f(y))=phi(d(x,y))$ (where $d_0$ is the Euclidean metric) for some homeomorphism $phi$ of $IR^+$. As concrete examples, we obtain Wangs quantum permutation group $cls_n^+$ and also the free wreath product of $IZ_2$ by $cls_n^+$ as the quantum isometry groups for certain compact connected metric spaces constructed by taking topological joins of intervals in cite{huang1}.
A cosystem consists of a possibly nonselfadoint operator algebra equipped with a coaction by a discrete group. We introduce the concept of C*-envelope for a cosystem; roughly speaking, this is the smallest C*-algebraic cosystem that contains an equiv ariant completely isometric copy of the original one. We show that the C*-envelope for a cosystem always exists and we explain how it relates to the usual C*-envelope. We then show that for compactly aligned product systems over group-embeddable right LCM semigroups, the C*-envelope is co-universal, in the sense of Carlsen, Larsen, Sims and Vittadello, for the Fock tensor algebra equipped with its natural coaction. This yields the existence of a co-universal C*-algebra, generalizing previous results of Carlsen, Larsen, Sims and Vittadello, and of Dor-On and Katsoulis. We also realize the C*-envelope of the tensor algebra as the reduced cross sectional algebra of a Fell bundle introduced by Sehnem, which, under a mild assumption of normality, we then identify to the quotient of the Fock algebra by the image of Sehnems strong covariance ideal. In another application, we obtain a reduced Hao-Ng isomorphism theorem for the co-universal algebras.
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