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A binary signature in the non-thermal radio-emitter Cyg OB2 #9

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 نشر من قبل Yael Naze
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Aims: Non-thermal radio emission associated with massive stars is believed to arise from a wind-wind collision in a binary system. However, the evidence of binarity is still lacking in some cases, notably Cyg OB2 #9 Methods: For several years, we have been monitoring this heavily-reddened star from various observatories. This campaign allowed us to probe variations both on short and long timescales and constitutes the first in-depth study of the visible spectrum of this object. Results: Our observations provide the very first direct evidence of a companion in Cyg OB2 #9, confirming the theoretical wind-wind collision scenario. These data suggest a highly eccentric orbit with a period of a few years, compatible with the 2yr-timescale measured in the radio range. In addition, the signature of the wind-wind collision is very likely reflected in the behaviour of some emission lines.

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149 - Y. Naze 2010
After the first detection of its binary nature, the spectroscopic monitoring of the non-thermal radio emitter Cyg OB2 #9 (P=2.4yrs) has continued, doubling the number of available spectra of the star. Since the discovery paper of 2008, a second peria stron passage has occurred in February 2009. Using a variety of techniques, the radial velocities could be estimated and a first, preliminary orbital solution was derived from the HeI5876 line. The mass ratio appears close to unity and the eccentricity is large, 0.7--0.75. X-ray data from 2004 and 2007 are also analyzed in quest of peculiarities linked to binarity. The observations reveal no large overluminosity nor strong hardness, but it must be noted that the high-energy data were taken after the periastron passage, at a time where colliding wind emission may be low. Some unusual X-ray variability is however detected, with a 10% flux decrease between 2004 and 2007. To clarify their origin and find a more obvious signature of the wind-wind collision, additional data, taken at periastron and close to it, are needed.
The star Cyg OB2 No. 9 is a well-known non-thermal radio emitter. Recent theoretical work suggests that all such O-stars should be in a binary or a multiple system. However, there is no spectroscopic evidence of a binary component. Re-analysis of rad io observations from the VLA of this system over 25 years has revealed that the non-thermal emission varies with a period of 2.35+-0.02 yr. This is interpreted as a strong suggestion of a binary system, with the non-thermal emission arising in a wind-collision region. We derived some preliminary orbital parameters for this putative binary and revised the mass-loss rate of the primary star downward from previous estimates.
Some OB stars show variable non-thermal radio emission. The non-thermal emission is due to synchrotron radiation that is emitted by electrons accelerated to high energies. The electron acceleration occurs at strong shocks created by the collision of radiatively-driven stellar winds in binary systems. Here we present results of our modelling of two colliding wind systems: Cyg OB2 No. 8A and Cyg OB2 No. 9.
154 - R. Blomme , Y. Naze , D. Volpi 2012
Cyg OB2 #9 is one of a small set of non-thermal radio emitting massive O-star binaries. The non-thermal radiation is due to synchrotron emission in the colliding-wind region. Cyg OB2 #9 was only recently discovered to be a binary system and a multi-w avelength campaign was organized to study its 2011 periastron passage. We report here on the results of the radio observations obtained in this monitoring campaign. We used the Expanded Very Large Array (EVLA) radio interferometer to obtain 6 and 20 cm continuum fluxes. The observed radio light curve shows a steep drop in flux sometime before periastron. The fluxes drop to a level that is comparable to the expected free-free emission from the stellar winds, suggesting that the non-thermal emitting region is completely hidden at that time. After periastron passage, the fluxes slowly increase. We introduce a simple model to solve the radiative transfer in the stellar winds and the colliding-wind region, and thus determine the expected behaviour of the radio light curve. From the asymmetry of the light curve, we show that the primary has the stronger wind. This is somewhat unexpected if we use the astrophysical parameters based on theoretical calibrations. But it becomes entirely feasible if we take into account that a given spectral type - luminosity class combination covers a range of astrophysical parameters. The colliding-wind region also contributes to the free-free emission, which can help to explain the high values of the spectral index seen after periastron passage. Combining our data with older Very Large Array (VLA) data allows us to derive a period P = 860.0 +- 3.7 days for this system. With this period, we update the orbital parameters that were derived in the first paper of this series.
244 - Gisela Ortiz-Leon 2011
The radio emission from the well-studied massive stellar system Cyg OB2 #5 is known to fluctuate with a period of 6.7 years between a low-flux state when the emission is entirely of free-free origin, and a high-flux state when an additional non-therm al component (of hitherto unknown nature) appears. In this paper, we demonstrate that the radio flux of that non-thermal component is steady on timescales of hours, and that its morphology is arc-like. This shows that the non-thermal emission results from the collision between the strong wind driven by the known contact binary in the system, and that of an unseen companion on a somewhat eccentric orbit with a 6.7-yr period and a 5 to 10 mas semi-major axis. Together with the previously reported wind-collision region located about 0.8 arcsec to the north-east of the contact binary, Cyg OB2 #5 appears to be the only multiple system known so far to harbor two radio-imaged wind-collision regions.
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