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The structure of N(1535) in the aspect of chiral symmetry

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 نشر من قبل Daisuke Jido
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Daisuke Jido

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The structure of N(1535) is discussed in dynamical and symmetry aspects based on chiral symmetry. We find that the N(1535) in chiral unitary model has implicitly some components other than meson-baryon one. We also discuss the N(1535) in the chiral doublet picture.

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اقرأ أيضاً

60 - T. Hyodo 2003
We calculate the magnetic moments of the N(1535) resonance using the chiral unitary model, where the resonance is dynamically generated in the scatterings of the lowest-lying mesons and baryons. We obtain the magnetic moments of the resonance as +1.1 and -0.25 for p(1535) and n(1535), respectively, in units of the nuclear magneton. We discuss the origin of these numbers within the chiral unitary model, then we compare the present results with those of the quark model and the chiral doublet model. The possibility to observe the magnetic moments in experiments is also investigated.
Motivated by a recent measurement of proton-proton elastic scattering observables up to 3.0 GeV, we investigate the description of those data within models of the nucleon-nucleon (NN) interaction valid above the pion production threshold. In addition to including the well known Delta resonance we incorporate two low-lying N* resonances, the N*(1440) and the N*(1535), and study their influence on pp and np observables for projectile laboratory kinetic energies up to 1.5 GeV.
We analyze the dynamic aspect of the chiral phase transition. We apply the mode coupling theory to the linear sigma model and derive the kinetic equation for the chiral phase transition. We challenge Hohenberg and Halperins classification scheme of d ynamic critical phenomena in which the dynamic universality class of the chiral phase transition has been identified with that of the antiferromagnet. We point out a crucial difference between the chiral dynamics and the antiferromagnet system. We also calculate the dynamic critical exponent for the chiral phase transition. Our result is $z=1-eta/2cong 0.98$ which is contrasted with $z=d/2=1.5$ of the antiferromagnet.
188 - M. Doring , E. Oset , B.S. Zou 2008
We study the pi N --> phi N reaction close to the phi N threshold within the chiral unitary approach, by combining the pi^- p --> K^+ Sigma^-, pi^- p --> K^0 Sigma^0 and pi^- p --> K^0 Lambda amplitudes with the coupling of the phi to the K component s of the final states of these reactions via quantum loops. We obtain a good agreement with experiment when the dominant pi^- p --> K^0 Lambda amplitude is constrained with its experimental cross section. We also evaluate the coupling of the N*(1535) to phi N and find a moderate coupling as a consequence of partial cancellation of the large KY components of the N*(1535). We also show that the N*(1535) pole approximation is too small to reproduce the measured cross section for the pi N --> phi N reaction.
657 - D. Jido YITP 2008
We discuss how electromagnetic properties provide useful tests of the nature of resonances, and we study these properties for the N*(1535) which appears dynamically generated from the strong interaction of mesons and baryons. Within this coupled chan nel chiral unitary approach, we evaluate the A_1/2 and S_1/2 helicity amplitudes as a function of Q^2 for the electromagnetic N*(1535) to gamma* N transition. Within the same formalism we evaluate the cross section for the reactions gamma N to eta N. We find a fair agreement for the absolute values of the transition amplitudes, as well as for the Q^2 dependence of the amplitudes, within theoretical and experimental uncertainties discussed in the paper. The ratios obtained between the S_1/2 and A_1/2 for the neutron or proton states of the N*(1535) are in qualitative agreement with experiment and there is agreement on the signs. The same occurs for the ratio of cross sections for the eta photoproduction on neutron and proton targets in the vicinity of the N*(1535) energy. The global results support the idea of this resonance as being dynamically generated, hence, largely built up from meson baryon components. However, the details of the model indicate that an admixture with a genuine quark state is also demanded that could help obtain a better agreement with experimental data.
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