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Comment on Ab Initio study of 40-Ca with an importance-truncated no-core shell model

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 نشر من قبل David J. Dean
 تاريخ النشر 2007
  مجال البحث
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In a recent Letter [Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 092501 (2007)], Roth and Navratil present an importance-truncation scheme for the no-core shell model. The authors claim that their truncation scheme leads to converged results for the ground state of 40-Ca. We believe that this conclusion cannot be drawn from the results presented in the Letter. Furthermore, the claimed convergence is at variance with expectations of many-body theory. In particular, coupled-cluster calculations indicate that a significant fraction of the correlation energy is missing.

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اقرأ أيضاً

214 - R. Roth , P. Navratil 2008
We respond to Comment on our recent letter (Phys.Rev.Lett.99:092501,2007) by Dean et al (arXiv:0709.0449).
265 - R. Roth , P. Navratil 2007
We propose an importance truncation scheme for the no-core shell model, which enables converged calculations for nuclei well beyond the p-shell. It is based on an a priori measure for the importance of individual basis states constructed by means of many-body perturbation theory. Only the physically relevant states of the no-core model space are considered, which leads to a dramatic reduction of the basis dimension. We analyze the validity and efficiency of this truncation scheme using different realistic nucleon-nucleon interactions and compare to conventional no-core shell model calculations for 4He and 16O. Then, we present the first converged calculations for the ground state of 40Ca within no-core model spaces including up to 16hbarOmega-excitations using realistic low-momentum interactions. The scheme is universal and can be easily applied to other quantum many-body problems.
Nuclear structure and reaction theory is undergoing a major renaissance with advances in many-body methods, strong interactions with greatly improved links to Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD), the advent of high performance computing, and improved comput ational algorithms. Predictive power, with well-quantified uncertainty, is emerging from non-perturbative approaches along with the potential for guiding experiments to new discoveries. We present an overview of some of our recent developments and discuss challenges that lie ahead. Our foci include: (1) strong interactions derived from chiral effective field theory; (2) advances in solving the large sparse matrix eigenvalue problem on leadership-class supercomputers; (3) selected observables in light nuclei with the JISP16 interaction; (4) effective electroweak operators consistent with the Hamiltonian; and, (5) discussion of A=48 system as an opportunity for the no-core approach with the reintroduction of the core.
We present an ab initio approach for the description of collective excitations and transition strength distributions of arbitrary nuclei up into the sd-shell that based on the No-Core Shell Model in combination with the Lanczos strength-function meth od. Starting from two- and three-nucleon interactions from chiral effective field theory, we investigate the electric monopole, dipole, and quadrupole response of the even oxygen isotopes from 16-O to 24-O. The method describes the full energy range from low-lying excitations to the giant resonance region and beyond in a unified and consistent framework, including a complete description of fragmentation and fine-structure. This opens unique opportunities for understanding dynamic properties of nuclei from first principles and to further constrain nuclear interactions. We demonstrate the computational efficiency and the robust model-space convergence of our approach and compare to established approximate methods, such as the Random Phase Approximation, shedding new light on their deficiencies.
The existence of multi-neutron systems has always been a debatable question. Indeed, both inter-nucleon correlations and a large continuum coupling occur in these states. We then employ the ab-initio no-core Gamow shell model to calculate the resonan t energies and widths of the trineutron and tetraneutron systems with realistic interactions. Our results indicate that trineutron and tetraneutron are both unbound and bear broad widths. The calculated energy and width of tetraneutron are also comparable with recent experimental data. Moreover, our calculations suggest that the energy of trineutron is lower than that of tetraneutron, while its resonance width is also narrower. This strongly suggests that trineutron is more likely to be experimentally observed than tetraneutron. We thus suggest experimentalists to search for trineutron at low energy.
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