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Probing micro-arcsec astrometry with NACO

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 نشر من قبل Andreas Seifahrt
 تاريخ النشر 2007
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Andreas Seifahrt

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Relative astrometric measurements with a precision far better than 1 mas (milli-arcsec) are commonly regarded as the domain of interferometry. Pioneering work by Pravdo & Shaklan (1996), made in the optical, reached a precision of 150 micro-arcsec in direct imaging but is ultimately limited by atmospheric turbulence and differential chromatic refraction (DCR) effects. Neuhaeuser et al. (2006, 2007) demonstrated that AO assisted observations with NACO in a near-infrared narrow band filter allow measurements with a precision of ~50 muas (micro-arsec) on a 0.6 arcsec binary within one hour and are unaffected by DCR effects. This opens new possibilities for astrometric detections of extrasolar planets and the determination of their true masses. We discuss here how to improve the measurements and address the necessary calibrations.

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Aims: We test the technique of spectro-astrometry as a potential method to investigate the close environment of massive young stars. Method: Archival VLT near infrared K band spectra (R=8900) of three massive young stellar objects and one Wolf-Raye t star are examined for spectro-astrometric signatures. The young stellar objects display emission lines such as Brackett gamma, CO 2-0 and CO 3-1 that are characteristic of ionised regions and molecular disks respectively. Two of the sample sources also display emission lines such as NIII and MgII that are characteristic of high temperatures. Results: Most of the emission lines show spectro-astrometric signal at various levels resulting in different positional displacements. The shapes and magnitudes of the positional displacements imply the presence of large disk/envelopes in emission and expanding shells of ionised gas. The results obtained for the source 18006-2422nr766 in particular provide larger estimates (> 300AU) on CO emitting regions indicating that in MYSOs CO may arise from inner regions of extended dense envelopes as well. Conclusions: The overall results from this study demonstrate the utility of spectro-astrometry as a potential method to constrain the sizes of various physical entities such as disks/envelopes, UCHII regions and/or ionised shells in the close environment of a massive young star.
A basic principle of long baseline interferometry is that an optical path difference (OPD) directly translates into an astrometric measurement. In the simplest case, the OPD is equal to the scalar product between the vector linking the two telescopes and the normalized vector pointing toward the star. However, a too simple interpretation of this scalar product leads to seemingly conflicting results, called here the baseline paradox. For micro-arcsecond accuracy astrometry, we have to model in full the metrology measurement. It involves a complex system subject to many optical effects: from pure baseline errors to static, quasi-static and high order optical aberrations. The goal of this paper is to present the strategy used by the General Relativity Analysis via VLT InTerferometrY instrument (GRAVITY) to minimize the biases introduced by these defects. It is possible to give an analytical formula on how the baselines and tip-tilt errors affect the astrometric measurement. This formula depends on the limit-points of three type of baselines: the wide-angle baseline, the narrow-angle baseline, and the imaging baseline. We also, numerically, include non-common path higher-order aberrations, whose amplitude were measured during technical time at the Very Large Telescope Interferometer. We end by simulating the influence of high-order common-path aberrations due to atmospheric residuals calculated from a Monte-Carlo simulation tool for Adaptive optics systems. The result of this work is an error budget of the biases caused by the multiple optical imperfections, including optical dispersion. We show that the beam stabilization through both focal and pupil tracking is crucial to the GRAVITY system. Assuming the instrument pupil is stabilized at a 4 cm level on M1, and a field tracking below 0.2$lambda/D$, we show that GRAVITY will be able to reach its objective of 10$mu$as accuracy.
We analyze a time sequence of Inter-Network (IN) magnetograms observed at the solar disk center. Speckle reconstruction techniques provide a good spatial resolution (0.5 cutoff frequency) yet maintaining a fair sensitivity (some 20G). Patches with si gnal above noise cover 60% of the observed area, most of which corresponds to intergranular lanes. The large surface covered by signal renders a mean unsigned magnetic flux density between 17G and 21G (1G equiv 1Mx cm$^{-2}$). The difference depends on the spectral line used to generate the magnetograms (Fe I 6302 or Fe I 6301). Such systematic difference can be understood if the magnetic structures producing the polarization have intrinsic field strengths exceeding 1 kG, and consequently, occupying only a very small fraction of the surface (some 2%). We observe both, magnetic signals changing in time scales smaller than 1 min, and a persistent pattern lasting longer than the duration of the sequence (17 min). The pattern resembles a network with a spatial scale between 5 and 10 arcsec, which we identify as the mesogranulation. The strong dependence of the polarization signals on spatial resolution and sensitivity suggests that much quiet Sun magnetic flux still remains undetected.
Hyperbolic polariton modes are highly appealing for a broad range of applications in nanophotonics, including surfaced enhanced sensing, sub-diffractional imaging and reconfigurable metasurfaces. Here we show that attenuated total reflectance micro-s pectroscopy (ATR) using standard spectroscopic tools can launch hyperbolic polaritons in a Kretschmann-Raether configuration. We measure multiple hyperbolic and dielectric modes within the naturally hyperbolic material hexagonal boron nitride as a function of different isotopic enrichments and flake thickness. This overcomes the technical challenges of measurement approaches based on nanostructuring, or scattering scanning nearfield optical microscopy. Ultimately, our ATR approach allows us to compare the optical properties of small-scale materials prepared by different techniques systematically
The Extrasolar Planet Search with PRIMA project (ESPRI) aims at characterising and detecting extrasolar planets by measuring the host stars reflex motion using the narrow-angle astrometry capability of the PRIMA facility at the Very Large Telescope I nterferometer. A first functional demonstration of the astrometric mode was achieved in early 2011. This marked the start of the astrometric commissioning phase with the purpose of characterising the instruments performance, which ultimately has to be sufficient for exoplanet detection. We show results obtained from the observation of bright visual binary stars, which serve as test objects to determine the instruments astrometric precision, its accuracy, and the plate scale. Finally, we report on the current status of the ESPRI project, in view of starting its scientific programme.
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