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Reaching micro-arcsecond astrometry with long baseline optical interferometry; application to the GRAVITY instrument

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 نشر من قبل Sylvestre Lacour
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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A basic principle of long baseline interferometry is that an optical path difference (OPD) directly translates into an astrometric measurement. In the simplest case, the OPD is equal to the scalar product between the vector linking the two telescopes and the normalized vector pointing toward the star. However, a too simple interpretation of this scalar product leads to seemingly conflicting results, called here the baseline paradox. For micro-arcsecond accuracy astrometry, we have to model in full the metrology measurement. It involves a complex system subject to many optical effects: from pure baseline errors to static, quasi-static and high order optical aberrations. The goal of this paper is to present the strategy used by the General Relativity Analysis via VLT InTerferometrY instrument (GRAVITY) to minimize the biases introduced by these defects. It is possible to give an analytical formula on how the baselines and tip-tilt errors affect the astrometric measurement. This formula depends on the limit-points of three type of baselines: the wide-angle baseline, the narrow-angle baseline, and the imaging baseline. We also, numerically, include non-common path higher-order aberrations, whose amplitude were measured during technical time at the Very Large Telescope Interferometer. We end by simulating the influence of high-order common-path aberrations due to atmospheric residuals calculated from a Monte-Carlo simulation tool for Adaptive optics systems. The result of this work is an error budget of the biases caused by the multiple optical imperfections, including optical dispersion. We show that the beam stabilization through both focal and pupil tracking is crucial to the GRAVITY system. Assuming the instrument pupil is stabilized at a 4 cm level on M1, and a field tracking below 0.2$lambda/D$, we show that GRAVITY will be able to reach its objective of 10$mu$as accuracy.

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The number of publications of aperture-synthesis images based on optical long-baseline interferometry measurements has recently increased due to easier access to visible and infrared interferometers. The interferometry technique has now reached a tec hnical maturity level that opens new avenues for numerous astrophysical topics requiring milli-arcsecond model-independent imaging. In writing this paper our motivation was twofold: 1) review and publicize emblematic excerpts of the impressive corpus accumulated in the field of optical interferometry image reconstruction; 2) discuss future prospects for this technique by selecting four representative astrophysical science cases in order to review the potential benefits of using optical long baseline interferometers. For this second goal we have simulated interferometric data from those selected astrophysical environments and used state-of-the-art codes to provide the reconstructed images that are reachable with current or soon-to-be facilities. The image reconstruction process was blind in the sense that reconstructors had no knowledge of the input brightness distributions. We discuss the impact of optical interferometry in those four astrophysical fields. We show that image reconstruction software successfully provides accurate morphological information on a variety of astrophysical topics and review the current strengths and weaknesses of such reconstructions. We investigate how to improve image reconstruction and the quality of the image possibly by upgrading the current facilities. We finally argue that optical interferometers and their corresponding instrumentation, existing or to come, with 6 to 10 telescopes, should be well suited to provide images of complex sceneries.
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144 - Florentin Millour 2010
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