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String Cosmological Model in Cylindrically Symmetric Inhomogeneous Universe with Electromagnetic Field II

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 نشر من قبل Dr. Anirudh Pradhan
 تاريخ النشر 2007
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Cylindrically symmetric inhomogeneous string cosmological model of the universe in presence of electromagnetic field is investigated. We have assumed that F_{12} is the only non-vanishing component of electromagnetic field tensor F_{ij}. The Maxwells equations show that F_{12} is the function of $x$ alone whereas the magnetic permeability is the function of x and t both. To get the deterministic solution, it has been assumed that the expansion ($theta$) in the model is proportional to the eigen value $sigma^{1}_{1}$ of the shear tensor $sigma^{i}_{j}$. Some physical and geometric prperties of the model are also discussed.

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We investigate a class of cylindrically symmetric inhomogeneous $Lambda$-dust spacetimes which have a regular axis and some zero expansion component. For $Lambda e 0$, we obtain new exact solutions to the Einstein equations and show that they are uni que, within that class. For $Lambda=0$, we recover the Senovilla-Vera metric and show that it can be locally matched to an Einstein-Rosen type of exterior. Finally, we explore some consequences of the matching, such as trapped surface formation and gravitational radiation in the exterior.
We investigate an infinitesimally thin cylindrical shell composed of counter-rotating dust particles. This system was studied by Apostolatos and Thorne in terms of the C-energy for a bounded domain. In this paper, we reanalyze this system by evaluati ng the C-energy on the future null infinity. We find that some class of momentarily static and radiation-free initial data does not settle down into static, equilibrium configurations, and otherwise infinite amount of the gravitational radiation is emitted to the future null infinity. Our result implies the existence of an instability in this system. In the framework of the Newtonian gravity, a cylindrical shell composed of counter-rotating dust particles can be in a steady state with oscillation by the gravitational attraction and centrifugal repulsion, and hence a static state is not necessarily realized as a final state. By contrast, in the framework of general relativity, the steady oscillating state will be impossible since the gravitational radiation will carry the energy of the oscillation to infinity. Thus, this instability has no counterpart in the Newtonian gravity.
76 - Tomonori Totani 2015
Deriving the Einstein field equations (EFE) with matter fluid from the action principle is not straightforward, because mass conservation must be added as an additional constraint to make rest-frame mass density variable in reaction to metric variati on. This can be avoided by introducing a constraint $delta(sqrt{-g}) = 0$ to metric variations $delta g^{mu u}$, and then the cosmological constant $Lambda$ emerges as an integration constant. This is a removal of one of the four constraints on initial conditions forced by EFE at the birth of the universe, and it may imply that EFE are unnecessarily restrictive about initial conditions. I then adopt a principle that the theory of gravity should be able to solve time evolution starting from arbitrary inhomogeneous initial conditions about spacetime and matter. The equations of gravitational fields satisfying this principle are obtained, by setting four auxiliary constraints on $delta g^{mu u}$ to extract six degrees of freedom for gravity. The cost of achieving this is a loss of general covariance, but these equations constitute a consistent theory if they hold in the special coordinate systems that can be uniquely specified with respect to the initial space-like hypersurface when the universe was born. This theory predicts that gravity is described by EFE with non-zero $Lambda$ in a homogeneous patch of the universe created by inflation, but $Lambda$ changes continuously across different patches. Then both the smallness and coincidence problems of the cosmological constant are solved by the anthropic argument. This is just a result of inhomogeneous initial conditions, not requiring any change of the fundamental physical laws in different patches.
A spatially homogeneous and locally rotationally symmetric Bianchi type-II cosmological model under the influence of both shear and bulk viscosity has been studied. Exact solutions are obtained with a barotropic equation of state between thermodynami cs pressure and the energy density of the fluid, and considering the linear relationships amongst the energy density, the expansion scalar and the shear scalar. Special cases with vanishing bulk viscosity coefficients and with the perfect fluid in the absence of viscosity have also been studied. The formal appearance of the solutions is the same for both the viscous as well as the perfect fluids. The difference is only in choosing a constant parameter which appears in the solutions. In the cases of either a fluid with bulk viscosity alone or a perfect fluid, the barotropic equation of state is no longer an additional assumption to be imposed; rather it follows directly from the field equations.
In this paper we have given a generalisation of the earlier work by Prigogine et al. who have constructed a phenomenological model of entropy production via particle creation in the very early universe generated out of the vacuum rather than from a s ingularity, by including radiation also as the energy source and tried to develop an alternative cosmological model in which particle creation prevents the big bang. We developed Radiation dominated model of the universe which shows a general tendency that (i) it originates from instability of vacuum rather than from a singularity. (ii) Up to a characteristic time cosmological quantities like density, pressure, Hubble constant and expansion parameter vary rapidly with time. (iii) After the characteristic time these quantities settles down and the models are turned into de-sitter type model with uniform matter, radiation, creation densities and Hubbles constant H. The de-sitter regime survives during a decay time then connects continuously to a usual adiabatic matter radiation RW universe.The interesting thing in the paper is that we have related the phenomenological radiation dominated model to macroscopic model of quantum particle creation in the early universe giving rise to the present observed value of cosmic background radiation . It is also found that the dust filled model tallies exactly with that of the Prigogines one, which justifies that our model is generalized Prigogines model. Although the model originates from instability of vacuum rather than from a singularity, still there is a couple of unavoidable singularities in the model.
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