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When neural networks are used to solve differential equations, they usually produce solutions in the form of black-box functions that are not directly mathematically interpretable. We introduce a method for generating symbolic expressions to solve differential equations while leveraging deep learning training methods. Unlike existing methods, our system does not require learning a language model over symbolic mathematics, making it scalable, compact, and easily adaptable for a variety of tasks and configurations. As part of the method, we propose a novel neural architecture for learning mathematical expressions to optimize a customizable objective. The system is designed to always return a valid symbolic formula, generating a useful approximation when an exact analytic solution to a differential equation is not or cannot be found. We demonstrate through examples how our method can be applied on a number of differential equations, often obtaining symbolic approximations that are useful or insightful. Furthermore, we show how the system can be effortlessly generalized to find symbolic solutions to other mathematical tasks, including integration and functional equations.
We describe a neural-based method for generating exact or approximate solutions to differential equations in the form of mathematical expressions. Unlike other neural methods, our system returns symbolic expressions that can be interpreted directly. Our method uses a neural architecture for learning mathematical expressions to optimize a customizable objective, and is scalable, compact, and easily adaptable for a variety of tasks and configurations. The system has been shown to effectively find exact or approximate symbolic solutions to various differential equations with applications in natural sciences. In this work, we highlight how our method applies to partial differential equations over multiple variables and more complex boundary and initial value conditions.
Computational context understanding refers to an agents ability to fuse disparate sources of information for decision-making and is, therefore, generally regarded as a prerequisite for sophisticated machine reasoning capabilities, such as in artificial intelligence (AI). Data-driven and knowledge-driven methods are two classical techniques in the pursuit of such machine sense-making capability. However, while data-driven methods seek to model the statistical regularities of events by making observations in the real-world, they remain difficult to interpret and they lack mechanisms for naturally incorporating external knowledge. Conversely, knowledge-driven methods, combine structured knowledge bases, perform symbolic reasoning based on axiomatic principles, and are more interpretable in their inferential processing; however, they often lack the ability to estimate the statistical salience of an inference. To combat these issues, we propose the use of hybrid AI methodology as a general framework for combining the strengths of both approaches. Specifically, we inherit the concept of neuro-symbolism as a way of using knowledge-bases to guide the learning progress of deep neural networks. We further ground our discussion in two applications of neuro-symbolism and, in both cases, show that our systems maintain interpretability while achieving comparable performance, relative to the state-of-the-art.
Deep learning has achieved remarkable success in diverse applications; however, its use in solving partial differential equations (PDEs) has emerged only recently. Here, we present an overview of physics-informed neural networks (PINNs), which embed a PDE into the loss of the neural network using automatic differentiation. The PINN algorithm is simple, and it can be applied to different types of PDEs, including integro-differential equations, fractional PDEs, and stochastic PDEs. Moreover, from the implementation point of view, PINNs solve inverse problems as easily as forward problems. We propose a new residual-based adaptive refinement (RAR) method to improve the training efficiency of PINNs. For pedagogical reasons, we compare the PINN algorithm to a standard finite element method. We also present a Python library for PINNs, DeepXDE, which is designed to serve both as an education tool to be used in the classroom as well as a research tool for solving problems in computational science and engineering. Specifically, DeepXDE can solve forward problems given initial and boundary conditions, as well as inverse problems given some extra measurements. DeepXDE supports complex-geometry domains based on the technique of constructive solid geometry, and enables the user code to be compact, resembling closely the mathematical formulation. We introduce the usage of DeepXDE and its customizability, and we also demonstrate the capability of PINNs and the user-friendliness of DeepXDE for five different examples. More broadly, DeepXDE contributes to the more rapid development of the emerging Scientific Machine Learning field.
Symbolic regression is the task of identifying a mathematical expression that best fits a provided dataset of input and output values. Due to the richness of the space of mathematical expressions, symbolic regression is generally a challenging problem. While conventional approaches based on genetic evolution algorithms have been used for decades, deep learning-based methods are relatively new and an active research area. In this work, we present SymbolicGPT, a novel transformer-based language model for symbolic regression. This model exploits the advantages of probabilistic language models like GPT, including strength in performance and flexibility. Through comprehensive experiments, we show that our model performs strongly compared to competing models with respect to the accuracy, running time, and data efficiency.
There is a wave of interest in using unsupervised neural networks for solving differential equations. The existing methods are based on feed-forward networks, {while} recurrent neural network differential equation solvers have not yet been reported. We introduce an unsupervised reservoir computing (RC), an echo-state recurrent neural network capable of discovering approximate solutions that satisfy ordinary differential equations (ODEs). We suggest an approach to calculate time derivatives of recurrent neural network outputs without using backpropagation. The internal weights of an RC are fixed, while only a linear output layer is trained, yielding efficient training. However, RC performance strongly depends on finding the optimal hyper-parameters, which is a computationally expensive process. We use Bayesian optimization to efficiently discover optimal sets in a high-dimensional hyper-parameter space and numerically show that one set is robust and can be used to solve an ODE for different initial conditions and time ranges. A closed-form formula for the optimal output weights is derived to solve first order linear equations in a backpropagation-free learning process. We extend the RC approach by solving nonlinear system of ODEs using a hybrid optimization method consisting of gradient descent and Bayesian optimization. Evaluation of linear and nonlinear systems of equations demonstrates the efficiency of the RC ODE solver.