Gibbs measures over locally tree-like graphs and percolative entropy over infinite regular trees

Abstract in English

Consider a statistical physical model on the $d$-regular infinite tree $T_{d}$ described by a set of interactions $Phi$. Let ${G_{n}}$ be a sequence of finite graphs with vertex sets $V_n$ that locally converge to $T_{d}$. From $Phi$ one can construct a sequence of corresponding models on the graphs $G_n$. Let ${mu_n}$ be the resulting Gibbs measures. Here we assume that ${mu_{n}}$ converges to some limiting Gibbs measure $mu$ on $T_{d}$ in the local weak$^*$ sense, and study the consequences of this convergence for the specific entropies $|V_n|^{-1}H(mu_n)$. We show that the limit supremum of $|V_n|^{-1}H(mu_n)$ is bounded above by the emph{percolative entropy} $H_{perc}(mu)$, a function of $mu$ itself, and that $|V_n|^{-1}H(mu_n)$ actually converges to $H_{perc}(mu)$ in case $Phi$ exhibits strong spatial mixing on $T_d$. We discuss a few examples of well-known models for which the latter result holds in the high temperature regime.
