Operators with analytic orbit for the torus action

Abstract in English

Let $T^n$ denote the n-dimensional torus. The class of the bounded operators on $L^2(T^n)$ with analytic orbit under the action of $T^n$ by conjugation with the translation operators is shown to coincide with the class of the zero-order pseudodifferential operators on $T^n$ whose discrete symbol $(a_j)_{jin Z^n}$ is uniformly analytic, in the sense that there exists $C>1$ such that the derivatives of $a_j$ satisfy $|partial^alpha a_j(x)|leq C^{1+|alpha|}alpha!$ for all $xin T^n$, all $jin Z^n$ and all $alphain N^n$. This implies that this class of pseudodifferential operators is a spectrally invariant *-subalgebra of the algebra of all bounded operators on $L^2(T^n)$.
