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Variable Stars in Large Magellanic Cloud Globular Clusters III: Reticulum

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 Added by Charles Kuehn
 Publication date 2013
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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This is the third in a series of papers studying the variable stars in old globular clusters in the Large Magellanic Cloud. The primary goal of this series is to look at how the characteristics and behavior of RR Lyrae stars in Oosterhoff-intermediate systems compare to those of their counterparts in Oosterhoff-I/II systems. In this paper we present the results of our new time-series BVI photometric study of the globular cluster Reticulum. We found a total of 32 variables stars (22 RRab, 4 RRc, and 6 RRd stars) in our field of view. We present photometric parameters and light curves for these stars. We also present physical properties, derived from Fourier analysis of light curves, for some of the RR Lyrae stars. We discuss the Oosterhoff classification of Reticulum and use our results to re-derive the distance modulus and age of the cluster.

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We describe variable stars found in the data collected during the OGLE-III Shallow Survey covering the I-band magnitude range from 9.7 mag to 14.5 mag. The main result is the extension of period--luminosity relations for Cepheids up to 134 days. We also detected 82 binary systems and 110 long-period variables not present in the main OGLE catalogs. Additionally 558 objects were selected as candidates for miscellaneous variables.
We combine variability information from the MAssive Compact Halo Objects (MACHO) survey of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) with infrared photometry from the Spitzer Space Telescope Surveying the Agents of a Galaxys Evolution (SAGE) survey to create a dataset of ~30 000 variable red sources. We photometrically classify these sources as being on the first ascent of the Red Giant Branch (RGB), or as being in one of three stages along the Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB): oxygen-rich, carbon-rich, or highly reddened with indeterminate chemistry (extreme AGB candidates). We present linear period-luminosity relationships for these sources using 8 separate infrared bands (J, H, K, 3.6, 4.5, 5.8, 8.0, and 24 micron) as proxies for the luminosity. We find that the wavelength dependence of the slope of the period-luminosity relationship is different for different photometrically determined classes of AGB stars. Stars photometrically classified as O-rich show the least variation of slope with wavelength, while dust enshrouded extreme AGB stars show a pronounced trend toward steeper slopes with increasing wavelength. We find that O-rich AGB stars pulsating in the fundamental mode obey a period-magnitude relation with a slope of -3.41 +/- 0.04 when magnitude is measured in the 3.6 micron band, in contrast to C-rich AGB stars, which obey a relation of slope -3.77 +/- 0.05.
We present new photometry and analysis of the twelve variable stars (nine RR Lyrae, three SX Phoenicis) belonging to the Sagittarius globular cluster Arp 2. Of the nine RR Lyrae stars in the cluster, eight are RRab and one is RRc. From the RRab stars, we determined a mean period of $langle P_{ab}rangle=0.581pm0.047$ days, where the error is the standard error of the mean. This places Arp 2 at the border between the Oosterhoff I and Oosterhoff-Int clusters. Using the $V$-band data from the RR Lyrae stars, a distance modulus of $(m-M)_0=17.24pm0.17$ was determined. From the $I$-band data, we found $(m-M)_0=17.34pm0.07$. We also used the SX Phoenicis variables to determine a distance modulus of $(m-M)_0=17.27pm0.04$. Color excesses were determined from the RR Lyrae light curves using both the ($B-V$) and ($V-I$) colors. The mean reddening values were in line with or were a little higher than those found in the literature. Both methods indicated star-to-star variability in the reddening toward Arp 2. Of the nine RR Lyrae stars, seven were flagged as variables by Gaia, with three having periods determined. We used the Gaia data to investigate the membership of the seven Gaia RR Lyrae. Although Arp 2 is too distant for reliable Gaia parallax, the current data do not exclude any of the variables discussed in this paper from being members of Arp 2.
Symbiotic stars are long-orbital-period interacting-binaries characterized by extended emission over the whole electromagnetic range and by complex photometric and spectroscopic variability. In this paper, the first of a series, we present OGLE light curves of all the confirmed symbiotic stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud, with one exception. By careful visual inspection and combined time-series analysis techniques, we investigate for the first time in a systematic way the photometric properties of these astrophysical objects, trying in particular to distinguish the nature of the cool component (e.g., Semi-Regular Variable vs. OGLE Small-Amplitude Red Giant), to provide its first-order pulsational ephemerides, and to link all this information with the physical parameters of the binary system as a whole. Among the most interesting results, there is the discovery of a 20-year-long steady fading of Sanduleaks star, a peculiar symbiotic star known to produce the largest stellar jet ever discovered. We discuss by means of direct examples the crucial need for long-term multi-band observations to get a real understanding of symbiotic and other interacting binary stars. We eventually introduce BOMBOLO, a multi-band simultaneous imager for the SOAR 4m Telescope, whose design and construction we are currently leading.
Context. Discovery of new variability classes in large surveys using multivariate statistics techniques such as clustering, relies heavily on the correct understanding of the distribution of known classes as point processes in parameter space. Aims. Our objective is to analyze the correspondence between the classical stellar variability types and the clusters found in the distribution of light curve parameters and colour indices of stars in the CoRoT exoplanet sample. The final aim is to help in the identification on new types of variability by first identifying the well known variables in the CoRoT sample. Methods. We apply unsupervised classification algorithms to identify clusters of variable stars from modes of the probability density distribution. We use reference variability databases (Hipparcos and OGLE) as a framework to calibrate the clustering methodology. Furthermore, we use the results from supervised classification methods to interpret the resulting clusters. Results.We interpret the clusters in the Hipparcos and OGLE LMC databases in terms of large-amplitude radial pulsators in the classical instability strip and of various types of eclipsing binaries. The Hipparcos data also provide clear distributions for low-amplitude nonradial pulsators. We show that the preselection of targets for the CoRoT exoplanet programme results in a completely different probability density landscape than the OGLE data, the interpretation of which involves mainly classes of low-amplitude variability in main-sequence stars. Our findings will be incorporated to improve the supervised classification used in the CoRoT catalogue production, once the existence of new classes or subtypes will be confirmed from complementary spectroscopic observations.
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