Combined phase space characterization at the PEP-II IP using single-beam and luminous-region measurements

Abstract in English

We present a novel method to characterize the e+/- phase space at the IP of the SLAC B-factory, that combines single-beam measurements with a detailed mapping of luminous-region observables. Transverse spot sizes are determined in the two rings with synchrotron-light monitors and extrapolated to the IP using measured lattice functions. The specific luminosity, which is proportional to the inverse product of the overlap IP beam sizes, is continuously monitored using radiative-Bhabha events. The spatial variation of the luminosity and of the transverse-boost distribution of the colliding e+/-, are measured using e+ e- --> mu+ mu- events reconstructed in the BaBar detector. The combination of these measurements provide constraints on the emittances, horizontal and vertical spot sizes, angular divergences and beta functions of both beams at the IP during physics data-taking. Preliminary results of this combined spot-size analysis are confronted with independent measurements of IP beta-functions and overlap IP beam sizes at low beam current.
