Spectral energy distribution of super-Eddington flows

Abstract in English

Spectral properties of super-Eddington accretion flows are investigated by means of a parallel line-of-sight calculation. The subjacent model, taken from two-dimensional radiation hydrodynamic simulations by Ohsuga et al. (2005), consists of a disc accretion region and an extended atmosphere with high velocity outflows. The non-gray radiative transfer equation is solved, including relativistic effects, by applying the FLD approximation. The calculated spectrum is composed of a thermal, blackbody-like emission from the disc which depends sensitively on the inclination angle, and of high energy X-ray and gamma-ray emission from the atmosphere. We find mild beaming effects in the thermal radiation for small inclination angles. If we compare the face-on case with the edge-on case, the average photon energy is larger by a factor of ~1.7 due mainly to Doppler boosting, while the photon number density is larger by a factor of ~3.7 due mainly to anisotropic matter distribution around the central black hole. This gives an explanation for the observed X-ray temperatures of ULXs which are too high to be explained in the framework of intermediate-mass black holes. While the main features of the thermal spectral component are consistent with more detailed calculations of slim accretion discs, the atmosphere induces major changes in the high-energy part, which cannot be reproduced by existing models. In order to interpret observational data properly, simple approaches like the Eddington-Barbier approximation cannot be applied.
