HST study of the LMC compact star forming region N83B

Abstract in English

High resolution imaging with the HST uncovers the so far hidden stellar content and the nebular features of the high excitation compact HII region N83B in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). We discover that the HII region is powered by the most recent massive starburst in the OB association LH5 and the burst has created about 20 blue stars spread over ~30 on the sky (7.5 pc). Globally N83B displays a turbulent environment typical of newborn massive star formation sites. It contains an impressive ridge, likely created by a shock and a cavity with an estimated age of only ~30,000 yr, sculpted in the ionized gas by the powerful winds of massive stars. The observations bring to light two compact HII blobs, N83B-1 and N83B-2, and a small arc-nebula, N83B-3, lying inside the larger HII region. N83B-1, only ~2.8 (0.7 pc) across, is the brightest and most excited part of N83B. It harbors the presumably hottest star of the burst and is also strongly affected by dust with an extinction of Av=2.5 mag. The second blob, N83B-2, is even more compact, with a size of only ~1 (0.3 pc). All three features are formed in the border zone between the molecular cloud and the ionized gas possibly in a sequential process triggered by the ionization front of an older HII region. Our HST imaging presents an interesting and rare opportunity to observe details in the morphology of the star formation in very small spatial scales in the LMC which are in agreement with the concept of the fractal structure of molecular star forming clouds. A scenario which supports hierarchical massive star formation in the LMC OB association LH5 is presented.
