Resonant leptogenesis in (2,2) inverse see-saw realisation

Abstract in English

In this present work, we uphold the standard model (SM) augmented with two right-handed (RH) neutrinos along with two singlet neutral fermions to generate active neutrino masses via (2,2) inverse see-saw mechanism. All entries of the neutrino mass matrix are taken to be complex to make this study a general one. We also investigate if the parameter points compatible with the neutrino oscillation data simultaneously satisfy the experimental bounds coming from the lepton flavour violating (LFV) decays : $mu to e gamma,~ tau to e gamma, ~ tau to mu gamma$. This study also explores the prospect of producing the baryon asymmetry of the universe through resonant leptogenesis. Here the resonant leptogenesis is induced by the lightest pair of degenerate mass eigenstates. Upon solving the coupled Boltzmann equations, one can divide the multi-dimensional model parameter space into three parts, where the parameter points are compatible with the neutrino oscillation data, constraints coming from the LFV decays and last but not the least, the observed baryon asymmetry of the universe.
