High angular resolution polarimetric imaging of the nucleus of NGC 1068: Disentangling the polarising mechanisms

Abstract in English

Polarisation is a decisive method to study the inner region of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) since it is not affected by contrast issues similarly to how classical imaging is. When coupled to high angular resolution (HAR), polarisation can help to disentangle the location of the various polarising mechanisms and then give an insight on the physics taking place on the core of AGNs. We obtained a new data set of HAR polarimetric images of the archetypal Seyfert 2 nucleus of NGC 1068 observed with SPHERE/VLT and we aim in this paper at presenting the polarisation maps and at spatially separating the location of the polarising mechanisms, thus deriving constraints on the organisation of the dust material in the inner region of this AGN. We then compared these measurements to radiative transfer simulations of scattering and dichroic absorption processes, using the Monte-Carlo code MontAGN. We establish a detailed table of the relative importance of the polarising mechanism as a function of the aperture and of the wavelength. We are able to separate the dominant polarising mechanisms in the three regions of the ionisation cone, the extended envelop of the torus and the very central bright source of the AGN. Thus, we estimate the contribution of the different polarisation mechanisms to the observed polarisation flux in these regions. Dichroic absorption is estimated to be responsible for about 99 % of the polarised flux coming from the photo-centre. However, this contribution would be restricted to this location only, double scattering process being the most important contributor to polarisation in the equatorial plane of the AGN and single scattering being dominant in the polar outflow bi-cone.
