Charms of Strongly Interacting Conformal Gauge Mediation

Abstract in English

By extending a previously proposed conformal gauge mediation model, we construct a gauge-mediated SUSY breaking (GMSB) model where a SUSY-breaking scale, a messenger mass, the $mu$-parameter and the gravitino mass in a minimal supersymmetric (SUSY) Standard Model (MSSM) are all explained by a single mass scale, a R-symmetry breaking scale. We focus on a low scale SUSY-breaking scenario with the gravitino mass $m_{3/2}=mathcal{O}(1){rm eV}$, which is free from the cosmological gravitino problem and relaxes the fine-tuning of the cosmological constant. Both the messenger and SUSY-breaking sectors are subject to a hidden strong dynamics with the conformality above the messenger mass threshold (and hence the name of the model strongly interacting conformal gauge mediation). In our model, the Higgs B-term is suppressed and a large $tanbeta$ is predicted, resulting in the relatively light second CP-even Higgs and the CP-odd Higgs with a sizable production cross section. These Higgs bosons can be tested at future LHC experiments.
