Room-temperature bipolar valleytronic transistor in MoS2/WSe2 heterostructures

Abstract in English

Valley degree of freedom in the 2D semiconductor is a promising platform for the next generation optoelectronics. Electrons in different valleys can have opposite Berry curvature, leading to the valley Hall effect (VHE). However, VHE without the plasmonic structures assistance has only been reported in cryogenic temperature, limiting its practical application. Here, we report the observation of VHE at room temperature in the MoS2/WSe2 heterostructures. We also uncover that both the magnitude and the polarity of the VHE in the 2D heterostructure is gate tunable. We attribute this to the opposite VHE contribution from the electron and hole in different layers. These results indicate the bipolar transport nature of our valleytronic transistor. Utilizing this gate tunability, we demonstrate a bipolar valleytronic transistor. Our results can be used to improve the ON/OFF ratio of the valleytronic transistor and to realize more versatile valleytronics logic circuits.
