Abrupt switching of the anomalous Hall effect by field-rotation in nonmagnetic ZrTe5

Abstract in English

The Hall effect arises when time reversal symmetry is broken by either intrinsic magnetism or an external magnetic field. The latter contribution dominates in non-magnetic materials, in which the angular dependence of the Hall effect is typically a smooth cosine function because only the out-of-plane projection of the field generates the in-plane transverse motion of electrons. Here, we report the observation of an abrupt switching of the Hall effect by field rotation in a non-magnetic material, ZrTe5. The angular dependence of the Hall resistivity approaches a signum function, persisting down to an extremely low field of 0.03 T. By varying the carrier density of ZrTe5 over three orders of magnitude, we show that this singular behavior is due to the anomalous Hall effect generated by the ultra-dilute massive Dirac carriers in the quantum limit of Pauli paramagnetism when the Zeeman energy exceeds the Fermi energy. Our results elucidate the origin of the anomalous Hall effect in ZrTe5, arising owing to the spin-polarized massive Dirac electrons rather than the separation of Weyl nodes.
