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Starshade Rendezvous: Exoplanet Sensitivity and Observing Strategy

مواجهة ستارشيد: الحساسية للأكوان الخارجية واستراتيجية المراقبة

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 Added by Andrew Romero-Wolf
 Publication date 2021
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Launching a starshade to rendezvous with the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope would provide the first opportunity to directly image the habitable zones of nearby sunlike stars in the coming decade. A report on the science and feasibility of such a mission was recently submitted to NASA as a probe study concept. The driving objective of the concept is to determine whether Earth-like exoplanets exist in the habitable zones of the nearest sunlike stars and have biosignature gases in their atmospheres. With the sensitivity provided by this telescope, it is possible to measure the brightness of zodiacal dust disks around the nearest sunlike stars and establish how their population compares to our own. In addition, known gas-giant exoplanets can be targeted to measure their atmospheric metallicity and thereby determine if the correlation with planet mass follows the trend observed in the Solar System and hinted at by exoplanet transit spectroscopy data. In this paper we provide the details of the calculations used to estimate the sensitivity of Roman with a starshade and describe the publicly available Python-based source code used to make these calculations. Given the fixed capability of Roman and the constrained observing windows inherent for the starshade, we calculate the sensitivity of the combined observatory to detect these three types of targets and we present an overall observing strategy that enables us to achieve these objectives.

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The addition of an external starshade to the {it Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope} will enable the direct imaging of Earth-radius planets orbiting at $sim$1 AU. Classification of any detected planets as Earth-like requires both spectroscopy to characterize their atmospheres and multi-epoch imaging to trace their orbits. We consider here the ability of the Starshade Rendezvous Probe to constrain the orbits of directly imaged Earth-like planets. The target list for this proposed mission consists of the 16 nearby stars best suited for direct imaging. The field of regard for a starshade mission is constrained by solar exclusion angles, resulting in four observing windows during a two-year mission. We find that for habitable-zone planetary orbits that are detected at least three times during the four viewing opportunities, their semi-major axes are measured with a median precision of 7 mas, or a median fractional precision of 3%. Habitable-zone planets can be correctly identified as such 96.7% of the time, with a false positive rate of 2.8%. If a more conservative criteria is used for habitable-zone classification (95% probability), the false positive rate drops close to zero, but with only 81% of the truly Earth-like planets correctly classified as residing in the habitable zone.
Operating in an unprecedented contrast regime ($10^{-7}$ to $10^{-9}$), the Roman Coronagraph Instrument (CGI) will serve as a pathfinder for key technologies needed for future Earth-finding missions. The Roman Exoplanet Imaging Data Challenge (Roman EIDC) was a community engagement effort that tasked participants with extracting exoplanets and their orbits for a 47 UMa-like target star, given: (1) 15 years of simulated precursor radial velocity (RV) data, and (2) six epochs of simulated imaging taken over the course of the Roman mission. The Roman EIDC simulated images include 4 epochs with CGIs Hybrid Lyot Coronagraph (HLC) plus 2 epochs with a starshade (SS) assumed to arrive as part of a Starshade Rendezvous later in the mission. Here, we focus on our in-house analysis of the outermost planet, for which the starshades higher throughput and lower noise floor present a factor of ~4 improvement in signal-to-noise ratio over the narrow-field HLC. We find that, although the RV detection was marginal, the precursor RV data enable the mass and orbit to be constrained with only 2 epochs of starshade imaging. Including the HLC images in the analysis results in improved measurements over RV + SS alone, with the greatest gains resulting from images taken at epochs near maximum elongation. Combining the two epochs of SS imaging with the RV + HLC data resulted in a factor of ~2 better orbit and mass determinations over RV + HLC alone. The Roman CGI, combined with precursor RV data and later mission SS imaging, form a powerful trifecta in detecting exoplanets and determining their masses, albedos, and system configurations. While the Roman CGI will break new scientific and technological ground with direct imaging of giant exoplanets within ~5 AU of V~5 and brighter stars, a Roman Starshade Rendezvous mission would additionally enable the detection of planets out to ~8 AU in those systems.
High-contrast imaging enabled by a starshade in formation flight with a space telescope can provide a near-term pathway to search for and characterize temperate and small planets of nearby stars. NASAs Starshade Technology Development Activity to TRL5 (S5) is rapidly maturing the required technologies to the point at which starshades could be integrated into potential future missions. Here we reappraise the noise budget of starshade-enabled exoplanet imaging to incorporate the experimentally demonstrated optical performance of the starshade and its optical edge. Our analyses of stray light sources - including the leakage through micrometeoroid damage and the reflection of bright celestial bodies - indicate that sunlight scattered by the optical edge (i.e., the solar glint) is by far the dominant stray light. With telescope and observation parameters that approximately correspond to Starshade Rendezvous with Roman and HabEx, we find that the dominating noise source would be exozodiacal light for characterizing a temperate and Earth-sized planet around Sun-like and earlier stars and the solar glint for later-type stars. Further reducing the brightness of solar glint by a factor of 10 with a coating would prevent it from becoming the dominant noise for both Roman and HabEx. With an instrument contrast of 1E-10, the residual starlight is not a dominant noise; and increasing the contrast level by a factor 10 would not lead to any appreciable change in the expected science performance. If unbiased calibration of the background to the photon-noise limit can be achieved, Starshade Rendezvous with Roman could provide nearly photon-limited spectroscopy of temperate and Earth-sized planets of F, G, and K stars <4 parsecs away, and HabEx could extend this capability to many more stars <8 parsecs. (Abridged)
A starshade suppresses starlight by a factor of 1E11 in the image plane of a telescope, which is crucial for directly imaging Earth-like exoplanets. The state of the art in high contrast post-processing and signal detection methods were developed specifically for images taken with an internal coronagraph system and focus on the removal of quasi-static speckles. These methods are less useful for starshade images where such speckles are not present. This paper is dedicated to investigating signal processing methods tailored to work efficiently on starshade images. We describe a signal detection method, the generalized likelihood ratio test (GLRT), for starshade missions and look into three important problems. First, even with the light suppression provided by the starshade, rocky exoplanets are still difficult to detect in reflected light due to their absolute faintness. GLRT can successfully flag these dim planets. Moreover, GLRT provides estimates of the planets positions and intensities and the theoretical false alarm rate of the detection. Second, small starshade shape errors, such as a truncated petal tip, can cause artifacts that are hard to distinguish from real planet signals; the detection method can help distinguish planet signals from such artifacts. The third direct imaging problem is that exozodiacal dust degrades detection performance. We develop an iterative generalized likelihood ratio test to mitigate the effect of dust on the image. In addition, we provide guidance on how to choose the number of photon counting images to combine into one co-added image before doing detection, which will help utilize the observation time efficiently. All the methods are demonstrated on realistic simulated images.
Starshade in formation flight with a space telescope is a rapidly maturing technology that would enable imaging and spectral characterization of small planets orbiting nearby stars in the not-too-distant future. While performance models of the starshade-assisted exoplanet imaging have been developed and used to design future missions, their results have not been verified from the analyses of synthetic images. Following a rich history of using community data challenges to evaluate image-processing capabilities in astronomy and exoplanet fields, the Starshade Technology Development to TRL5 (S5), a focused technology development activity managed by the NASA Exoplanet Exploration Program, is organizing and implementing a starshade exoplanet data challenge. The purpose of the data challenge is to validate the flow down of requirements from science to key instrument performance parameters and to quantify the required accuracy of noisy background calibration with synthetic images. This data challenge distinguishes itself from past efforts in the exoplanet field in that (1) it focuses on the detection and spectral characterization of small planets in the habitable zones of nearby stars, and (2) it develops synthetic images that simultaneously include multiple background noise terms -- some specific to starshade observations -- including residual starlight, solar glint, exozodiacal light, detector noise, as well as variability resulting from starshades motion and telescope jitter. In this paper, we provide an overview of the design and rationale of the data challenge. Working with data challenge participants, we expect to achieve improved understanding of the noise budget and background calibration in starshade-assisted exoplanet observations in the context of both Starshade Rendezvous with Roman and HabEx.
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