The semi-classical limit with a delta-prime potential

Abstract in English

We consider the quantum evolution $e^{-ifrac{t}{hbar}H_{beta}} psi_{xi}^{hbar}$ of a Gaussian coherent state $psi_{xi}^{hbar}in L^{2}(mathbb{R})$ localized close to the classical state $xi equiv (q,p) in mathbb{R}^{2}$, where $H_{beta}$ denotes a self-adjoint realization of the formal Hamiltonian $-frac{hbar^{2}}{2m},frac{d^{2},}{dx^{2}} + beta,delta_{0}$, with $delta_{0}$ the derivative of Diracs delta distribution at $x = 0$ and $beta$ a real parameter. We show that in the semi-classical limit such a quantum evolution can be approximated (w.r.t. the $L^{2}(mathbb{R})$-norm, uniformly for any $t in mathbb{R}$ away from the collision time) by $e^{frac{i}{hbar} A_{t}} e^{it L_{B}} phi^{hbar}_{x}$, where $A_{t} = frac{p^{2}t}{2m}$, $phi_{x}^{hbar}(xi) := psi^{hbar}_{xi}(x)$ and $L_{B}$ is a suitable self-adjoint extension of the restriction to $mathcal{C}^{infty}_{c}({mathscr M}_{0})$, ${mathscr M}_{0} := {(q,p) in mathbb{R}^{2},|,q eq 0}$, of ($-i$ times) the generator of the free classical dynamics. While the operator $L_{B}$ here utilized is similar to the one appearing in our previous work [C. Cacciapuoti, D. Fermi, A. Posilicano, The semi-classical limit with a delta potential, Annali di Matematica Pura e Applicata (2020)] regarding the semi-classical limit with a delta potential, in the present case the approximation gives a smaller error: it is of order $hbar^{7/2-lambda}$, $0 < lambda < 1/2$, whereas it turns out to be of order $hbar^{3/2-lambda}$, $0 < lambda < 3/2$, for the delta potential. We also provide similar approximation results for both the wave and scattering operators.
