Mask2CAD: 3D Shape Prediction by Learning to Segment and Retrieve

Abstract in English

Object recognition has seen significant progress in the image domain, with focus primarily on 2D perception. We propose to leverage existing large-scale datasets of 3D models to understand the underlying 3D structure of objects seen in an image by constructing a CAD-based representation of the objects and their poses. We present Mask2CAD, which jointly detects objects in real-world images and for each detected object, optimizes for the most similar CAD model and its pose. We construct a joint embedding space between the detected regions of an image corresponding to an object and 3D CAD models, enabling retrieval of CAD models for an input RGB image. This produces a clean, lightweight representation of the objects in an image; this CAD-based representation ensures a valid, efficient shape representation for applications such as content creation or interactive scenarios, and makes a step towards understanding the transformation of real-world imagery to a synthetic domain. Experiments on real-world images from Pix3D demonstrate the advantage of our approach in comparison to state of the art. To facilitate future research, we additionally propose a new image-to-3D baseline on ScanNet which features larger shape diversity, real-world occlusions, and challenging image views.
