New Probes of Large Scale Structure

Abstract in English

This is the second paper in a series where we propose a method of indirectly measuring large scale structure using information from small scale perturbations. The idea is to build a quadratic estimator from small scale modes that provides a map of structure on large scales. We demonstrated in the first paper that the quadratic estimator works well on a dark-matter-only N-body simulation at a snapshot of $z=0$. Here we generalize the theory to the case of a light cone halo catalog with a non-cubic region taken into consideration. We successfully apply the generalized version of the quadratic estimator to the light cone halo catalog based on an N-body simulation of volume $sim15.03,(h^{-1},rm Gpc)^3$. The most distant point in the light cone is at a redshift of $1.42$, indicating the applicability of our method to next generation of galaxy surveys.
