Ising Percolation on Nonamenable Planar Graphs

Abstract in English

We study infinite ``$+$ or ``$-$ clusters for an Ising model on an connected, transitive, non-amenable, planar, one-ended graph $G$ with finite vertex degree. If the critical percolation probability $p_c^{site}$ for the i.i.d.~Bernoulli site percolation on $G$ is less than $frac{1}{2}$, we find an explicit region for the coupling constant of the Ising model such that there are infinitely many infinite ``$+$-clusters and infinitely many infinite ``$-$-clusters, while the random cluster representation of the Ising model has no infinite 1-clusters. If $p_c^{site}>frac{1}{2}$, we obtain a lower bound for the critical probability in the random cluster representation of the Ising model in terms of $p_c^{site}$.
